First attempt at Rabbit on the UDS with Pron


Full Fledged Farker
Sep 3, 2011
I got to talking with a guy who tells me his parents raise Rabbits for meat, and they supply local butchers with rabbit meat occasionally. We started talking BBQ, and the next thing I know he delivers five 4.5# rabbits in their frozen state, asking only for two to be returned prepared.

Here is my practice attempt.


Cloaked in Bacon.

Then into the smoke with Cherry wood @ 225 for 2 hours.
Then panned with chicken broth and Onions for another 2 hours.

It ate like chicken.

btw, my nine year old daughter's 'freakout factor' after the meal was priceless.:wacko: She thinks rabbit is good, though. . . . Thanks for looking.

That's some great looking easter bunny you got there. :clap2:

I just cooked a rabbit last week that I picked up at an Asian market in northern Virginia. I think it was a four pounder and it wasn't bad at all. It just tasted like extremely dry chicken, but it wasn't one bit gamey. I've never been a fan of wild game and this doesn't change my mind, but at least I can now cross rabbit off my "must try" list.
Looks awesome, got any leftovers?:hungry: A few years ago, I brought home a dozen live meat rabbits in the back of my pickup. When I showed my 4 year old son, he said "Aaawww, they're cute! Can I hold one?" I replied "Nope". He asked "Can we keep one for a pet and I can name it?" Again, I replied "Nope". Then he says "Can we at least kill them and eat them then?". I literally almost pissed my pants laughing so hard!!! I grilled them and he ate almost two of them!
:clap2: nice, reminds me of my great grandma and her black cast iron skillet cookin them suckers up. my parents didnt tell me till years later that it was rabbit, so i kept eating it. just like chicken, slow cooked till it fell apart. that ol black cast iron cooked a many good meals. heck she would clean it and grease it back up for another meal 4 hrs later. thanks for sharing