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Grand Poobah and Site Admin
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Aug 11, 2003
Long Island, NY
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Well, We did the fall Camporee this weekend with the my sons Boyscouts troop. The weekends challenge for the kids was a Pumpkin chuck. Kids had to make a catapult from materials they find in the forest or have with them....... and it has to throw a pumpkin

well.. we didnt win the contest, first try crossed the foul line, second one found the 2 yard marker and third kinda just dribbled off the catapult, but it left a nice knot on one of the kids heads. :eusa_clap

BUT, we ate well.. I cheated and bought a couple of butts and brisket from willyB, then onsite I made chicken, steaks, pot of beans, pork tenderloins, bacon and Sausage & Biscuits. The scout masters got NY strips with sauted/smoke onions on garlic bread.. kids had wings, sausage and biscuits, porkloin medallions.

The best part, and only A Brethren wood understand this :wink: .. the scout masters thought I was nuts. :icon_clown :icon_clown Liken this to taking an old racing greyhound, or a hunting dog that worked lots of years that outlived its usefulness, then was put in pound for a year and was finally adopted and became a beloved family pet.

WillyB gave up his Bandera a few months ago for me to use for the Boyscouts. I also have Sawdustguys Brinkman horiontal which will lives at the scout troops meeting house. the Brinkman is in fine shape and got a couple new firegrates, thats all it needed. But, the Bandera, It was sitting in Willys driveway unused for 2 years, next to his lang and other cookers... It was covered with crud, rusted out and on its last leg.. As a BANDERA BRETHREN, our original moniker, those cookers are near and dear to us.. so, he gave it to the Boyscouts and we took to task fixing it up. That can be read here. But to cut to the chase.. to take that mothballed Bandera, and in a few weeks, and witha few repairs, see it sitting proud at a boyscout camp, fired up with sweet blue coming out of the stack and filled with food to feed the scouts.. Well.. its like giving that old hunting dog a new home filled with kids who are gonna play with him and give him a life back.. I have not cooked on a Bandera in 3-4 years, and I looked at that Bandera and remembered the early days of this group when we were 40-50 of us cooking on our banderas, figuring out how to use it and running around offtopic.. The bandera, with its new plate and new shelves was fully loaded and performing great. It was an attention grabber to alot ot f the scout masters, and once the wood was lit and things were cooking, we had the best smelling campsite around.

anyway, back ontopic.. our scouts ate.. and ate.. and ate.. 2 butts gone, the brisket.. gone.. most of the chicken.. gone.. its so rewarding to have these kids loving the stuff... and these little 60-70 lb kids keep coming back for more.... and at the end of the night with full bellies they brag to the other troops how they eat the best!!! thats something we will never get from a BBQ judge..... instead I saw alot smiling faces covered with BBQ Sauce.

they were looking for snacks at 1130 and that was some leftover chicken reheated over the campfire and a few hot dogs. Plenty of beans to go around too.. I always make the beans for the campouts, not becase the kids like them, but its entertaining to watch the after effects when you have a bunch of tents with 3-4 kids in each and they are all yelling at each other to STOP stinkin up the tent. :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen: .. Sorry, i just find humor in that..

We fed a good amount of the 'upper' ranks of the Boy Scout Council, as well as a few indian chiefs. Unfortunatly, none of those guests felt like cluing me in that there was an adult cookoff going on Saturday night that i could have entered.. They did tell me the next day that the BBQ they had on saturday would have won hands down compared to what was entered.... Oh well. maybe next time.. i got my prize saturday night in the form of 14 happy kids looking for "more"..

I always have a great time cooking for the scouts.. doing it again on November 4th. Its long day 2-3-4 meals, and to keep stuff somewhat on schedule. But alot of fun, and the kids make it worth it... I was asked by council to cook for the campground next time, but thats ALOT of kids, and i cant help but think of that as more of a "catering" job and and i dont even want to venture anywhere close to that. (Thanks to the Food Handling forum). i'll stick to cooking for my troop and a limitined number of 'guests'.

I have to get the pictures for the gallery of the kids from one of the other dads. Theres a few here, but the camera acted up..


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Cooking for fun? What a concept! Wish I was with you Phil.
Thanks Phil. Brings back OLD memories of my Father and my Scouting days!!!
Smoke On!!!!!!
Phil that was just awesome for everybody involved for sure. The reason they tell you about the cooking contest was..........well all the brothers here already know that you woulda kicked all the other cooks hineys....... Especially with the scouts being the judges. IMHO your one heck of a dad to take on all that work of repairing the pits let alone cooking.
Nice job Phil. Campouts are awesome when somebody knows how to cook!
Cool post, Phil. There is a certain satisfaction in cooking for a crowd and know they can't get enough of it. Nice to see that Bandera filled up like that. I like the expanded grates in the cook chamber too. That's what I was thinking about doing when mine died.

Speaking of catapults........
heres it new capacity. i made up 4 of these shelves, and a new firegrate..

Also having rods welded just above the the existing slides to stop the shelves form tumbling out, which nearly happened a couple of times this weekend.


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Rods welded...ah, that sounds like something *I* need. Almost lost a brisket that way once.

What's that particular style of expanded metal you've used for your new fire grate, Phil? Looks reinforced and I've never seent that before...
Its just 2 pieces of the regular stuff placed 90 degrees to each other. the frame is made of 3/4 inch channel and the same is the support across the center.

What i am thinking of doing is adding 3/8 inch rods above the slides. the shelve framing is 1/2 inch channel. The sheves can either slide over the rods(rod slides into the channel), or between the old slides and rods, resting on the slide. It will give a few more adjust ment levels and bothe postitions will hold the shelves steady.
I know what you mean. Everytime you go to mop/sauce something, you can only slide the shelf out so far before you risk having to invoke the 5 second rule when it hits the patio. At one time, I was going to pick my most common shelf settings and weld a piece of angle above each so that wouldn't happen.

Instead, I got creative with the sausage holders :wink: .....


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I'll be honest with you Phil, that looks like way more fun than a contest. Where are you cooking on the 4th???????
Baiting Hollow in Huntington.. You want to cook? :)



Did you know that Boy Scouts are................

:eek: <Gasp> C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N <Gasp> :eek: