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big brother smoke

somebody shut me the fark up.

Batch Image
Batch Image
May 3, 2006
Ventura, CA
Folks, I had a request for a Father's Day Special:

1. 2 quarts Blues Hog Original
2. 5-pak of Simply Marvelous Rubs
3. 1 Rub Company Santa Maria Rub
4. 1 pair of BBQ Gloves
5. Bovine Bold and Yardbird Rub

Interweb Pricing = $86.35; Brethren Pricing = $67.00 + $14.50 shipping = $81.50:cool:
Feel Free to PM or simply paypal me: [email protected]

Make sure you note that this is a Father's Day Special. Orders will start shipping Thursday.
Sounds great Steph! That's a lot of stuff for the money and the shipping is very reasonable. :thumb::thumb: I'd order myself...Except, I just got a 4 pack from Ryan, and not too long ago one of your multi packs and, um, a two pound bag of another of yours yesterday, and OH, I'm committed to Tom for some more of his sauces. Plus, I fear the 2x4 if I order much more too soon...:wink:
Guess my order is going through then, EXCELLENT!! Still a newb, out of the dozen or so smokes this will be the first time I had not made the rub. Looking forward to it!