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Found some matches.
Apr 4, 2022
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I recently came across a Wilson's BBQ video on YouTube where he scales down a whole hog cook so that a backyard chef with a smaller setup can make an approximation of a whole hog cook. He smokes a skin-on pork shoulder and a skin-on pork belly, then shreds the meats and mixes them together, chops the crispy skin into chunks, and makes his fake whole hog sandwiches from there. It seems like a good idea for those of us who do not have setups large enough to cook a whole hog (or enough friends and family to eat that much meat) but I can't help but think there are many more cuts of pork that are not present in this method that maybe should be.

So here's my question: If you were going to do a scaled down version of a whole hog cook, which cuts would you deem as essential to use? Or do you think a pork belly and shoulder cook is good enough for these purposes? Or would you just hunt down a suckling pig and do it that way?
Personally, the skin on belly and a whole skin on shoulder is plenty. If not a whole shoulder then a skin on picnic roast and a butt with a skin on belly will get you close. The loins tend to dry out as well as the leg hams, the mixing is really to fix those on whole hog. The ribs (fresh side) shoulder butts and belly are fat and that is flavor.
30 pounds- it was fun, for the money your way is way better. I doubt there was more than 12-15 lbs of meat in the end. So starting at $4lb and ending where I did, it’s probably close to $10lb of clean meat. I don’t shred it, I cut it up into chunks about the size of a mandarin orange. There’s not much fat on a pig this small, if you’re going to chop and shred - your partial pig idea sounds like a better idea.
Whole hog is it's own animal (LOL!), serving all areas of meat in an awesome looking package. I don't have the means to do that, either. So I use the great Sirporkalot method as he posted himself. Picnic and butt, low and slow, clean, pull, combine, sauce and consume. You can find it here, worth the search.
Whole hog is visual - "look at that whole pig cooked". No way to fake that.

Why not cook a butt or two and some ribs?

That's my thoughts too. A variety of cuts isn't the same as cooking a whole animal.
I could do a whole cow cook...with a few burgers, steaks, roasts and maybe a brisket. 😁
Jeanie, you are far above my skills. That is why I love following your posts. You're the real deal.
Thanks John! I love your posts too!
Just stating my opinion. Can't fake a whole hog cook. If it's not the whole animal, it should be called something else. imo. A pork variety cook? 😁
Thanks John! I love your posts too!
Just stating my opinion. Can't fake a whole hog cook. If it's not the whole animal, it should be called something else. imo. A pork variety cook? 😁
Jeanie, I definitely wouldn't present it to my family as an actual whole hog cook. I am just looking to create something in my backyard that is a little closer to it than just a pulled pork butt

Maybe I can call it Ultimate Pulled Pork: Not just the butt, but even more delicious pig parts per serving?
Whole hog is it's own animal (LOL!), serving all areas of meat in an awesome looking package. I don't have the means to do that, either. So I use the great Sirporkalot method as he posted himself. Picnic and butt, low and slow, clean, pull, combine, sauce and consume. You can find it here, worth the search.
Thanks for the tip. I found his recipe and it does look fantastic. I now I am not sure which method to go with: Sirporkalot or WilsonsBBQ
ive gotten many requests for whole hog or pig. The whole pig cook is a visual experience.. they want the oooo ahhhh factor, but many folks dont go for it(this is NY and loaded with weirdos). But i do give the person an alternative which i found to be very successful. Its usually for luaus, or summer backyard BBQ around here and alot of folks dont realize what theyre gonna get.. like a big carcass splayed out on the table looking at them. Thats when the wife comes out and freaks out.

So i do a small pig(70-80lb) and SURROUND IT with loads of typical cuts. 3 type of ribs and riblets, sliced and pulled meat from butts shoulders and hams, slab bacon cubes and slices, pig candy in various forms, etc.. So the folks who want to to the pig picken and pick on the head, eat the eyeballs and go for the jowels, have the little guy splayed out in the middle, but most folks start grazzing thru the different cuts and fill the plates up. Seems to work much better around here. More useable meat, less waste and no one running around going EWWWWWWWW its looking at me.

gonna try and dig up some pics.
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Why not just skip the pork butt and the pork belly and get the cheaper skin on picnic, and butterfly, smoke it with salt all over the skin, then when its done crisp up the skin under a broiler. Two birds, one pig.
Why not just skip the pork butt and the pork belly and get the cheaper skin on picnic, and butterfly, smoke it with salt all over the skin, then when its done crisp up the skin under a broiler. Two birds, one pig.
Picnics are surprisingly hard to find around here. Unless I want to buy four of them at the same time from Costco which the Mrs does not approve of. Freezer space and all
ive gotten many requests for whole hog or pig. The whole pig cook is a visual experience.. they want the oooo ahhhh factor, but many folks dont go for it(this is NY and loaded with weirdos). But i do give the person an alternative which i found to be very successful. Its usually for luaus, or summer backyard BBQ around here and alot of folks dont realize what theyre gonna get.. like a big carcass splayed out on the table looking at them. Thats when the wife comes out and freaks out.

So i do a small pig(70-80lb) and SURROUND IT with loads of typical cuts. 3 type of ribs and riblets, sliced and pulled meat from butts shoulders and hams, slab bacon cubes and slices, pig candy in various forms, etc.. So the folks who want to to the pig picken and pick on the head, eat the eyeballs and go for the jowels, have the little guy splayed out in the middle, but most folks start grazzing thru the different cuts and fill the plates up. Seems to work much better around here. More useable meat, less waste and no one running around going EWWWWWWWW its looking at me.

gonna try and dig up some pics.
Anyone who has a problem with a pig face looking at them while getting food needs to have lechon. One plate of lechon at any Filipino gathering is enough to convert anyone into a head-on pig lover. Just don't let them ask what goes into the dipping sauce....
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30 pounds- it was fun, for the money your way is way better. I doubt there was more than 12-15 lbs of meat in the end. So starting at $4lb and ending where I did, it’s probably close to $10lb of clean meat. I don’t shred it, I cut it up into chunks about the size of a mandarin orange. There’s not much fat on a pig this small, if you’re going to chop and shred - your partial pig idea sounds like a better idea.
That just made me cry!
ive gotten many requests for whole hog or pig. The whole pig cook is a visual experience.. they want the oooo ahhhh factor, but many folks dont go for it(this is NY and loaded with weirdos). But i do give the person an alternative which i found to be very successful. Its usually for luaus, or summer backyard BBQ around here and alot of folks dont realize what theyre gonna get.. like a big carcass splayed out on the table looking at them. Thats when the wife comes out and freaks out.

So i do a small pig(70-80lb) and SURROUND IT with loads of typical cuts. 3 type of ribs and riblets, sliced and pulled meat from butts shoulders and hams, slab bacon cubes and slices, pig candy in various forms, etc.. So the folks who want to to the pig picken and pick on the head, eat the eyeballs and go for the jowels, have the little guy splayed out in the middle, but most folks start grazzing thru the different cuts and fill the plates up. Seems to work much better around here. More useable meat, less waste and no one running around going EWWWWWWWW its looking at me.

gonna try and dig up some pics.
Good luck posting pictures!!
Anyone who has a problem with a pig face looking at them while getting food needs to have lechon. One plate of lechon at any Filipino gathering is enough to convert anyone into a head-on pig lover. Just don't let them ask what goes into the dipping sauce....
This is long island. Husband's out there cooking Covered in charcoal dust and smelling like smoke..then the wife comes out in floral print moo moo carrying a 10lb salad, sees the pig head and calls 911.
First time I saw a whole hog cooked wasn't till I was around 40, We don't have that here on the Island, but a N Carolina boat maker came up to one of his good marina customers and had 2 pigs in his own trailered smoker, I was fortunate to be invited!

So the pigs are done and look great, I can't wait to dig in, but what?, the guys proceeded to shred the whole thing into a big mound and then poured vinegar over the whole mess and served it on white hamburger buns.... Sacrilege!!

So to get back on point, just cook and shred a shoulder and post a picture of the cooked hog for looks... :D