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is One Chatty Farker
May 30, 2013
Kyle, TX
The other day Toast posted this article in Woodpile and it looked pretty interesting, so I thought I'd do some experimenting yesterday.
By reading the description, it seemed like a relatively easy thing to replicate but I didn't have all of the exact ingredients. I didn't have any brisket cooked up and I didn't have any pepper jack on hand but I did however have some decent replacement ingredients.
I had some Texas style beef link that I'd just recently cooked up...

I had some Mexican blend shredded cheese...

and some fresh jalapeno in the fridge, so I diced up the pepper, mixed it in with the cheese and sausage and then added some panko bread crumbs and an egg as a binder, as well as a little BBQ rub for some extra seasoning...

So that was the filling and the next step was to form it into corn dog shaped rolls, wrap them with bacon but rather than just wrap them I decided to make some small bacon weaves and added about a tbl spoon and 1/2 to the center of each weave, then rolled them up...

I started rolling them and decided that since football season was fixing to start up, I'd make little footballs instead of the original corn dog shape and these were the result...

It was raining off and on outside yesterday afternoon and I was low on charcoal, so I went ahead and cooked them in the kitchen oven at 300 deg. for about 1.5 hrs and for the sake of the experiment I tried to replicate cooking them on a BBQ pit.
They turned out nice and crispy and with the added binder in the filling mix there was no loss of cheese as they cooked.
After they were out of the oven I put a couple of tbl. spns. of jalapeno jelly onto a plate and heated it for a few seconds in the microwave to make a pool of sweet dipping sauce which is the way I serve my ABTs...

...and I had some Hatch chiles in the fridge, so I decided to whip up a batch of Hatch ABTs as well...

So the result was a pretty tasty football and ABT snack, rolled in pepper jelly...

BTW, if anyone here has never tried their ABTs in jalapeno jelly I HIGHLY recommend you do, the sweetness and pop of the jelly really contrasts and compliments the saltiness of the bacon and the sour of the cream cheese.
So there it is folks... Iowa State Fair inspired footballs and ABTs for the big game.:wink: Thanks Fer Lookin'!:becky:
Oops:doh: , I knew I'd forget something... I guess I should put the recipe for the filling in here LOL!:mrgreen:
Filling ingredients: This recipe makes 12 footballs...
4 Small (4") sausage links or one whole ring of your favorite sausage (chopped)
1 to 1, 1/2 cups of shredded cheese
2 whole jalapenos (chopped) or...
Just use pepper jack cheese instead of the above cheese and jalapeno.
2 Eggs (unbeaten)
1 cup of Panko bread crumbs
1 tblspn of your favorite rub

Mix it all together and stuff your bacon weaves which are each made from 3 pieces of bacon that were cut in half to make a 5" x 5" weaved bacon blanket, (you'll need 2 lbs of bacon).:-D
I think I have some vac packed brisket. Got to try it. Pyles' BBQ has some pic's of the real deal as soon as he posts them.

They do sound good!
I think I have some vac packed brisket. Got to try it. Pyles' BBQ has some pic's of the real deal as soon as he posts them.

They do sound good!
Yeah, I'll be cooking a brisket pretty soon and I'm planning on trying the experiment again, only with all of the right ingredients next time.:thumb:
Man o man Bill. Looks killer. Just bought a box of Hatch chiles. Perfect timing. :thumb:
