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is One Chatty Farker
Jul 31, 2011
Beaumont, CA
Being a work night I wanted to make something simple, yet tasty. Very few things cook up as quickly as pork loin chops, so it is a perfect weeknight option.

In addition, there is a Throwdown taking place this week to recognize the many talented people/businesses here at the Brethren. You can check out the Throwdown thread here: (did I mention some super cool dude picked the category this week? :laugh:)

Before leaving for work I mixed up some Oakridge Game Changer Brine (half strength) mixed with Diesel Dave's maple syrup. The pork chops went into the brine and then in the fridge for 10 hrs.


Came home, took the chops out of the brine. Patted them dry, and applied a liberal coating of Owens BBQ Tatonka Dust and Bigmista's Perfect Pork Rub.


Went on the Smokey Joe using KBB and seared for 5 min per side


Before pulling the chops, put a generous brushing of Swamp Boys Original BBQ Sauce on the top, and allowed it to begin to bubble


After the chops were done, pulled them and allowed them to rest. Put on a pot with melted garlic butter and tossed sugar snap peas with bacon and Twisted Belly Get Twisted - All Purpose Rub



The results were so much better than I could have expected. The combination of flavors worked together so well. The brine was sweet and salty, with some earthiness from the maple syrup, and kept the pork very moist. The combination of rubs had a great balance of salty and savory, and complemented the sweet and tangy sauce wonderfully. The snap peas were not very sweet, so the addition of the all purpose rub brought out their natural flavor, and worked nicely with the garlic butter and bacon.

From time I walked through the door, it took less than 50 minutes until I was done eating ... and more than 1/2 of the time was spent trying to figure out how to take passable photos. This was a thoroughly enjoyable meal, and I hope it did justice to everyone represented.




Oakridge Game Changer Brine: link
Owens BBQ Tatonka Dust: link
Bigmista's Perfect Pork Rub: link - if you can't order online, then go to his Sammich Shop, or check out his "Morning Wood" soon
Swamp Boys Original BBQ Sauce: link
Twisted Belly - Get Twisted All Purpose rub: link

And finally Diesel Dave's Maple Syrup: thread