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Knows what a fatty is.
Feb 2, 2013
Middle, Missourah
I'm a small team thinking about doing this competition. I don't have a camper and therefore, available facilities including a shower are helpful. There doesn't seem to be any hotels in Pleasant Hill.
Do you guys have any experience at this competition? How are the facilities? Have you used hotels in neighboring towns?

Saucy is as Saucy does
"facilities"...there's a couple kybos around the grounds.
And last year they had breakfast available.
It's a nice contest for sure though.
I know a shower and hotel seem quite ridiculous for a BBQ competition, but they are present occasionally and since I have never been to Smoking' on Big Creek or Pleasant Hill, MO but know it is a particularly well attended competition and located at the Cass County fairgrounds, I thought I would get a heads up to find out if the "facilities" were better than most of the other local competitions.

If so, or if there were known local hotels people use, then we may have wives and children that would plan to accompany us. Otherwise, it's just two stinky dudes sleeping in a trailer next to a porta-potty. Cooking up some BBQ and killing some beers.

Thanks for the feedback, y'all
It Is well attended because it is a good test early in the year and for a cause that a lot of cooks are involved with (OBR). It is a fun contest, and a well run contest, but the facilities aren't anything special. Power at your site and porta potties are about as fancy as it gets. The fairgrounds can be muddy or dusty as well depending on how much or little rain is in the forecast. Check Lee's Summit for hotels if you need one for the family. It is a few minutes away. Definitely worth attending, however!
I know a shower and hotel seem quite ridiculous for a BBQ competition, but they are present occasionally and since I have never been to Smoking' on Big Creek or Pleasant Hill, MO but know it is a particularly well attended competition and located at the Cass County fairgrounds, I thought I would get a heads up to find out if the "facilities" were better than most of the other local competitions.

If so, or if there were known local hotels people use, then we may have wives and children that would plan to accompany us. Otherwise, it's just two stinky dudes sleeping in a trailer next to a porta-potty. Cooking up some BBQ and killing some beers.

Thanks for the feedback, y'all

Harrisonville,Mo is 11 miles away and they have a few hotels.
Is kybo a Kansas term? I've never heard it before.

Nope. I guess it is a southern thing.

A small wooden structure that serves in lieu of a commode, and is found behind houses in Arkansas, Alabama, and other places where people drawl.

The kybo door has a crescent moon carved in it. The purpose of this moon is to provide access for flies.

Inside a kybo is a bench with one or two holes in it. A kybo with a single hole in the bench is called a one-holer. A kybo with two holes in the bench is called a two-holer.

Hanging on the wall inside the kybo is a Sears Roebuck catalog. Or maybe a big tin can full of corn cobs (from which arose the phrase, rough as a cob).

A kybo may have a sheet metal chimney extending above the roof. This is called a fart muffler.

Experienced users visit the kybo at mealtimes, when all the flies gather in the dining room.
There once was a farmer named Clyde
Who went in the kybo and died.
His brother, named Lou,
Went and died in there too.
Now they're interred side-by-side.

Lem 'n' Jake, they was a-sittin' in the kybo, when Jake yells "Dagnab it! I done dropped a nickel down the hole!" Ol' Jake gets up, reaches in his bib overhalls, pulls out a twenty dollar bill, an' tosses it down the hole.

"Hey, Jake," drawls ol' Lem, "Why in tarnation you bin tossin' that twenty down the hole fer?"

An' Jake says, "Well now, ya don't think I'm gonna go down there jest to fetch a nickel, do ya?"
It won't be hot enough to need a shower.

Spring time in PHill will be:
windy (from the south)
require shorts and tshirt in afternoon
pants and coat after the sun goes down
and pair of muck boots

It may not have all the amenities, but it is a very good contest. Generally 100% CBJs, and draws a set of teams the are social, but not obnoxius drunks.

I've attended most years as a judge, volunteer and have cooked it 3-4 times and I think we're going back again this year to cook.
One thing that makes this a "good" contest: Its run by COOKS!!! The organizers are cooks, the volunteers are cooks - they know what teams need / want from a contest and they just up & do it.
It won't be hot enough to need a shower.

Spring time in PHill will be:
windy (from the south)
require shorts and tshirt in afternoon
pants and coat after the sun goes down
and pair of muck boots

It may not have all the amenities, but it is a very good contest. Generally 100% CBJs, and draws a set of teams the are social, but not obnoxius drunks.

I've attended most years as a judge, volunteer and have cooked it 3-4 times and I think we're going back again this year to cook.

While we try not to be obnoxious, our team is a bunch of drunks, and we'll be there.
Come over to Bellevue, NE (Omaha) on 7/17. Contest is at a campground with water and electric at each site, permanent bathrooms with showers, and a free air show. Also, Gothenburg, NE on 5/1 has the same amenities sans the air show, but that might be a bit far for you to drive.