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Knows what a fatty is.
Apr 9, 2007
Hey guys!

I entered in my first rib competition and wanted to do the hot-n-fast weep method. But, doin some research on competition ribs and the Hot Fast Weep method there is one conflicting problem. The membrane.

Comp. - No membrane
HFW - leave membrane on.

Anyone have any guidance on this? Or, should I just stick to the 3-2-1 foil method?

i wouldn't experiment at my first comp, not that i have ever done one. stick to what you do best unless you have time to cook a few times and get it perfected. you might want to post this in the comp section so the comp guys can see it.
I don't know what cooker you're using but my ribs cook H&F 350*-450* whether grate cook or roti cook with the membrane on and there is never any sign of it after cooking...NEVER.

Not sure if it matters but I score it and apply olive oil.
I always pull the membrane off..... But never cooked hot n fast.... To me hot n fast is 235 and higher