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Full Fledged Farker

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Sep 5, 2013
Auckland, NZ
Hi there

Thought I would show BBQ NZ style. Actually semi-elemental, the real elemental stuff is the in-ground cooking that is popular amongst the Maori and Polynesian people.

A good friend's daughter was home from London for a few weeks and this was the get together for her and family/friends. Weather has been terrific so far, but strong winds came up and this played havoc with the WSM later in the day.

First, the players:

Then the sheep - well, actually its a pretty big lamb. They had plenty of feed these last few months on my friends place which is in the fringe suburbs (Riverhead) of Auckland.

Then, getting the 44 gallon drum fired up for the coals - we used 2/3rds of that trailer of chestnut wood:

Next loading up the sheep and tying it off so it didn't spin on the pole - this done with wire and nails - a matter of some principle that everything was just about the cheapest solution :razz:.


The main gear - the motor came from an old bandsaw - some debate if it was from the 40's or 50's. The stands are from old truck hubs + welding.


Well underway, total cook was 6 hours. I learned a few tricks from these old hands - thanks Matt and Colin.



The result was terrific, tender and moist chicken (who would think after 6 hours!) - perhaps it was the Plowboys I gave them to use. Along side these old pros, American style BBQ on the WSM was well represented with 8 plates of beef short ribs and 10 racks of pork ribs cut St Louis style. The beef was the hit I think of the two types of ribs, truly spoon-tender. Pork were underdone, as we ran overtime because I couldn't get temperatures up in the WSM. I had to pull them early.
That's epic, looks great and my sort of a feed.
Great way to start a garden bed,coals then dig over

You could have covered up the love bites:becky:
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Great job Ralph! Been waiting on the snow to melt here to get my new whole hog pit fired up. We will be cooking a hog in a few weeks, let's talk again afterwords and I will let you know how it did.


Did you make yours? I've got the plan in my head but could always use some more ideas.
That looks like an awesome cook. Judging from the amount of food, there must have been quite a crowd. That's what BBQ is all about right?........Great friends, great food and good times!

Ralph, in picture two I was super impressed because usually when my Kiwi mates are going to stick a hard rod through a sheep they never bother with protection, you guys are a Kiwi class above! Even if it was necrophilia!
Now that the obligatory Aussievs Kiwi joke has been done, awesome cook!
That looks so good, well managed and a great antipodean practical method!
The things we do for charming young ladies eh?
