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is Blowin Smoke!
Mar 16, 2010
Northwestern Wisconsin
It's been awhile since I got the chance to do some experimenting on the grill. When I saw that there was a burger throwdown going on, I had to do something for it. I already had some chorizo out for a another experimental cook I was going to do and there was some cheese I had picked up the other week that I was just dying to use on something but, hadn't really figured out what yet. With these makings and wanting to do something fun and multidimensional, I decided to make a Double Chorizo Juicy Lucy Wellington style. Who wouldn't come to this conclusion, right?

This is how it started. I put a layer of Gettin' Roasted down on a board and then laid a burger patty on top of it followed by a layer of Italian Herb and Mushroom Mild Cheddar.

Next came a Chorizo Patty followed by a couple of slices of a Meunster with Peppadew Fruit.

Then another Chorizo Patty, Mild Cheddar, and another Burger Patty Dusted with Gettin' Roasted.

From there it went onto the grill.

8 minutes later it got a flipped. Mmmm.... Tasty looking grill marks.

After another 5 minutes or so it came off and got wrapped up in some pizza dough.


From there it went into an oven set at 375 for about 30 minutes til it was golden brown.

All that was left was to cut into it.

Are you ready?

Are you sure?

You may want to sit down first.

Here it comes.

Oooooooooh Yeaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!






To say this was a truly epic burger would be an understatement. A long time ago I heard that you knew a burger was a good burger when you didn't need to put any condiments on it at all. I never really understood that statement until today. After the first bite, It was so delicious, so tasty, I didn't want anything else but that. The dough sucked up the juices as it cooked but, wasn't soppy. The best part, everything stays within the dough so there is surprisingly little mess. However, I will admit, I only made it 1/4 through this monster. It is really filling and I don't eat like I used to. It took a ridiculous amount of control to stop myself tho.

Thanks for looking!
That looks fabulous! I love me a good burger as you can tell by my avatar. However i can feel the cholesterol building in my old veins just by looking at the pictures.

Very good my friend.