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somebody shut me the fark up.

Batch Image
Batch Image
Oct 12, 2008
Gallatin, TN
Name or Nickame
Our new TD category is...

"Game Meats!"


This was thirdeye's spectacular winning entry in the 2009 "Wild Game" Throwdown!

As chosen by ShencoSmoke for winning the "Cooked With Booze, Part 2" Throwdown.


ShencoSmoke said:
Game meat (mammals or fowl) either harvested and processed by you or someone you know OR game meat raised and sold to the general public. The deciding factor as to if the mammal or fowl is considered to be game is this: Is the animal hunted for sport or food?

You may submit entries that are cooked from Friday 2/20 through the entry submission deadline of 12 p.m. Central US Time on Monday 3/2/15.

Entry pictures must be submitted by 12 p.m. Central US Time on Monday 3/2.

Click here to READ THE RULES for the BBQ Brethren Throwdown... Click here to READ THE RULES for the BBQ Brethren Throwdown...

The ENTRY and VOTE threads will follow Q-Talk rules, meaning QUALITY ON-TOPIC discussion of the category or entries only, please. Discussion is encouraged to take place in the DISCUSSION THREAD, but if you want a recipe, or are looking for details or have QUALITY ON-TOPIC comments to make about an entry or the category you can make them in the ENTRY or VOTE thread. Non-quality posts that are made here will be deleted and the offending member will be asked why they couldn't just post in the DISCUSSION thread instead, and in extreme cases or repeat offenders, disciplinary action WILL happen.

Best of luck and even better eats to all!

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Official Entry

Please accept this as my official entry in the "Game Meats" TD

I shot this 700 pound pig on a hunt in Eastern Oregon last year and still had a roast in the freezer

I need to throw away all my thermometers as this ended up being the best Pulled Pork I have made.

The full cook is here:

It pulled nice and was very tender

View attachment 107932

Made a very good Pulled Pork Sammi with poppers, ham wrapped bean, and HDD Deviled Egg!

View attachment 107933

Please use the first photo for the entry

Thanks for Lookin
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Please accept this as my official entry in the "Game Meats" TD

Venison tenderloin that was shot in NC. I marinated in red wine, garlic, olive oil, S&P. Grilled on BGE at around 600* and then indirect.

*Loin* not tenderloin. Learned something new today!