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Beautiful plating and photo, Buccs. Looks like there's a lot of good flavour on that plate.

One thing I've been noticing over time is how the look of the plate influences where my eyes go to in the entry photo. If the food has a lot of rich, deep colours, contrast in colours and details (like your photo for example, Buccs), I appreciate a stark, light coloured plate. That kind of plate doesn't compete with the food, rather, it lifts the food up. When an entry has deep, rich colours with a lot going on and the plate also has deep, rich, busy colours and patterns, my line of sight to the food gets lost and I have to work at separating the food from the patterns on the plate. Even though Deguerre's plate is dark, it doesn't have a pattern, and the fresh red colour of the tomato brings enough contrast (colour and texture) to the plating that the food is easily seen.

When the food in an entry plating is lighter in colour and without strong patterns (for example a pork chop, scalloped potatoes and cauliflower) I appreciate the contrast of a richly coloured and patterned plate. It lifts the food up with a contrast of both colour and pattern, the food in the foreground is highlighted and easy to see.