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I wish I could taste your ribs, as the market isn't far from me. However work gets in the way. I hope things continue to go well for you. I've thought about doing something similar to what your doing but have never been able to get straight answers on licenseing. Well good luck and I hope I can taste your ribs some time.
"I'm getting $25 for spares and $30 for beef ribs." X "48 racks of spares and 8 racks of beef ribs.....sold out at 11AM"

= I would quit my job.
Thats some good money for a morning work that would be a good gig if one could 2-3 days aweek
Thanks guys. Unfortunately the season here runs from May-Labor Day. All the tourists take off then.

I'm speaking with some people that know the restaurant business very well. Ideally, I'd like a take out only place and catering that is pick up only. Anyone know of people that have gigs like that?
I'm speaking with some people that know the restaurant business very well. Ideally, I'd like a take out only place and catering that is pick up only. Anyone know of people that have gigs like that?

Yeah.....ME in a couple of years!!! :becky:

I think that would be the perfect situation. Low overhead, high demand, maybe 2 small tables and a counter. Line em up!!! Serve on foil or butcher paper!

Sounds like the "rib market" is going great for you. Congrats!!! We've been talking to a couple of farmer's markets around here but have been so busy competing that we don't have time to set up and cook at them!

Crazy thing is I can just about guaran-farkin-tee that we'd make more money doing what you're doing than competing!!!
Dan are you in wildwood this weekend?


WOW!!! Sounds you are really doing well! Congrats!!

A question for you if it's ok: when you say you start cooking "VERY" early, what time do you start and do you cook your ribs 100% on your UDS?


Dan are you in wildwood this weekend?



Chris, yeah that was us....our first comp. All we wanted to do was beat one team out of the 65 competing. We placed 39 in ribs, 37 in brisket, 41 in pork, and 50 in chicken. I'm really happy with the results since we were very much winging it......

P.S.---2 of the lids pictured on my drums are now laying somewhere on the Garden State Parkway...:biggrin1::biggrin1:
Chris, yeah that was us....our first comp. All we wanted to do was beat one team out of the 65 competing. We placed 39 in ribs, 37 in brisket, 41 in pork, and 50 in chicken. I'm really happy with the results since we were very much winging it......

P.S.---2 of the lids pictured on my drums are now laying somewhere on the Garden State Parkway...:biggrin1::biggrin1:

Glad things went good for you. Everybody was at the Friday meeting when I walked by.

Didn't see any lids on the side of the parkway on my way to work today.

How many racks can you put on each drum

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I start with 6 racks in each drum (3 on each level). I cook hot...325-ish so they cook faster than normal. As they cook, they also get smaller so I can fit more in each drum. When they're close to done I'll start stacking the "done" ones in one drum then another, while putting raw ones in the spaces created. It's kinda hard to explain it any better, but the system works for me.

I sold out again last week at 10:30AM. The beef ribs are becoming more and more lady just pre-ordered 6 racks for this coming Thursday.....:biggrin1::biggrin1: pre orders a day in advance...just have these customers meet you for pickup somewhere or deliver them....that way they are out of the way for the single orders. It's a quick way to double or triple your weekly sales.
I'll be in Sea Isle next week. What day do you do your thing, Saturday or Sunday?

More importantly, what did you think of the cheese sauce? :razz:

Just making sure you're not avoiding me cause you thought it sucked. :grin:
Dan! Awesome job. Can you explain the hand sink setup? Is that a walmart type laundry sink with a fresh water tank gravity fed to the sink and then a waste bucket? I can't believe NJ HD let that fly, I don't think our guy would be happy with that, but fantastic job.
I'll be in Sea Isle next week. What day do you do your thing, Saturday or Sunday?
More importantly, what did you think of the cheese sauce? :razz:
Just making sure you're not avoiding me cause you thought it sucked. :grin:

Cheese sauce was killer thanks. I can only cook on Thursdays.....

Dan! Awesome job. Can you explain the hand sink setup? Is that a walmart type laundry sink with a fresh water tank gravity fed to the sink and then a waste bucket? I can't believe NJ HD let that fly, I don't think our guy would be happy with that, but fantastic job.

I asked the HD about this and they said one of those drink coolers with hot water...and grey water going into a bucket....was fine. Needless to say i left it at that...:biggrin1:I have access to the restaurant kitchen so I'm not out there on my own. pre orders a day in advance...just have these customers meet you for pickup somewhere or deliver them....that way they are out of the way for the single orders. It's a quick way to double or triple your weekly sales.

I can't do any precooking per the health dept...unless I sit there and ice bath each rack then put it in the walk-ins at the restaurant. They don't have the room and I don't have the time. However.....I've got plans for next year.....:biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1: