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Buster Dog BBQ

I really wanted to do these on the smoker last week but the winds were so strong I had no choice but to use the oven or risk the ingredients going bad.:tsk:

So I had these two vadalia onions which are very sweet. I cored them out and filled them with some crab stuffing I bought at the store. You can use any crab stuffing. Our local grocer makes a very good one. I then topped it with some shredded cheddar.

On the smoker I would go 350 for about 30 minutes depending on the onion size. You want it tender when done. These can be kind of rich and make a good side.

Now ya done it!

Showed these to the wife, now I gotta make some of those delicious looking delights.

Thanks for showing these creations to us.
Damn, I'm going to have to try that, that looks good!
Although being a Georgia boy, I do have to point out that it's spelled "Vidalia". They are all grown in a region near Vidalia, Georgia. They get their sweetness due to the low amount of sulfur in the soil in that area. The counties that can grown onions and call them Vidalia is actually defined by Georgia law.
I love crab, and will give that a shot!
Nothing like cooking them on the grill. Really brings out the sweetness. Those look fantastic. Definitely have to try out the crab stuffing if I can even get crab now.
When I was in boy scouts I had forgot to put the onions in the food so my dad siad wrap them in foil and toss them in the fire. been eatting them like that my whole life now i have something different for out door cooking with onions. Thanks
Local Shriners sell the Vidalia onions as a fund raiser every year. I just picked up a bag last weekend and now i have something to try new this year.Gonna try some this weekend. :thumb: