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Found some matches.
Sep 1, 2013
At contest last weekend had some chicken issues (we are backyard). First time chicken not done, temp was 155internal :doh:..tried several things and know what our issue was. Question is since it was not done we chose not to turn it in, some blood at the bone. Kcbs rep. after awards told us we should have turned it in to get at least appearence points...leave it to judges to tell us its not done! Had two Pro teams tell us same thing. Breathern...did we screw up? Should we turn in underdone meat?
I had the issue once, and told the reps when I turned the box in. They said not to worry, the judges know how to deal with it.
Better safe then sorry. In the grand scheme it's just a contest, not worth risking getting anyone sick. They said the judges would know, but is it worth taking that chance? I say honorable on your part.
Turn it in! Let the REPs know so that no judge bites into it and could potentially get sick, but at least you get some points vs 0-points if you don't turn it in.

Additionally, if the contest is right on the cusp of having enough teams to qualify, you NOT turning in a box could keep them from having enough team turn-ins.
If you tell them it is under, they should just take it to the table for appearance and not allow sampling. That said, I probably wouldn't turn it in unless the contest needed that entry to be a qualifier. If just 25 teams show up and you don't turn in, it becomes a non-qualifier (assuming it's an established KCBS contest).
If you know for sure that your meat is underdone and a potential saftey risk to the judges and you turnit in anyway, for points, SHAME on you!
Would you serve the same meat to your family?
Show some class people.
Turn it in for appearance and tell the reps that it isn't done and to NOT let anyone eat it.

You get appearance points and none for taste and tenderness.
This was the advice of two of the best reps in the nation to cooks at a contest this summer where there were JUST enough teams to make it a qualifier. If any team had not turned in a category it would have not qualified for a Jack Draw, so Philip & Kathy told all of us to just make sure everything was turned in, even if something wasn't done.

Seems to me if you make it very clear at time of turn in that it's not safe to eat, then you've done your job in letting people know.
I see now what the Rep. was trying to tell explained it better. Thanks for the input. Darn...could have used the few appearence points.! And after we finished cooking it ,it was awesome....made us feel even worse.
Turn it in for appearance and tell the reps that it isn't done and to NOT let anyone eat it.

You get appearance points and none for taste and tenderness.

Actually, not only do you get "Appearance" points, but you will also get points for "Taste" and points for "Tenderness", as a DQ still gets 1 point per judge for the last two categories. Weighted, that still adds up to more than just "Appearance".

If you don't turn it in you get ZERO points.
Actually, not only do you get "Appearance" points, but you will also get points for "Taste" and points for "Tenderness", as a DQ still gets 1 point per judge for the last two categories. Weighted, that still adds up to more than just "Appearance".

If you don't turn it in you get ZERO points.

And (You can correct me if i am wrong) you are not eligible for grand or reserve.
You should have known about 10-15 minutes before turn in that you wasn't gonna make it. At that point you should have triple wrapped it in foil and through it directly into the coals/fire.

I wouldn't have given up on it so easy, just me though.:oops:
Actually, not only do you get "Appearance" points, but you will also get points for "Taste" and points for "Tenderness", as a DQ still gets 1 point per judge for the last two categories. Weighted, that still adds up to more than just "Appearance".

If you don't turn it in you get ZERO points.

And I don't think it is a DQ mark of 1. It is inedible for a 2. Don't ask me how I know!
At a competition last year our chicken wasn't up to temp when it normally is, and even after kicking up the cooker temp it was obvious that it wasn't going to get done, so I cut the meat off of both sides of the bones (thighs) and was able to get these which "fillets" up to temp, so we turned in a box of thigh fillets :rolleyes: just to get something turned in. I fully expected to be DAL but we actually ended up in the top 1/3 out of 55 teams! I almost fainted when I saw the score sheet!
I hear ya !... we did put it directly on the fire...but had already sauced thinking temp would come did not and sauce started get a bit too hot....ran out of time.
I hear ya !... we did put it directly on the fire...but had already sauced thinking temp would come did not and sauce started get a bit too hot....ran out of time.

Always remember that foil is for speeding up the cook, it will do it for any product.:thumb:

If the sauce would have burnt on the skin, just remove the skin. Might not have been what you wanted to do, but a very good cook once taught me that you must adapt, because sometimes chit happens.
Turn it in! Let the REPs know so that no judge bites into it and could potentially get sick, but at least you get some points vs 0-points if you don't turn it in.

Additionally, if the contest is right on the cusp of having enough teams to qualify, you NOT turning in a box could keep them from having enough team turn-ins.

this is spot a contest we did earlier this year, we literally had just enough teams for it to qualify as an official event. The KCBS told everyone that "no matter what turn in everything......even if the chicken is not done, turn it in but warn us!! we'll take care of the rest"
That isn't what the microwave is for? :oops:

Since it was a backyard comp you did the right thing by not turning it in IMO. Even if you told everyone in the tent, it isn't worth the risk of making someone sick.