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I don't teach competition classes nor anything cooking related, but what I do teach is arguably just as serious - forensics. First of all I provide a detailed class syllabus, that way there is no guessing or ambiguity as to what will be covered. Second, I teach every technique (or trick) I know. My objective is simple, I want my students to win. Even if those techniques come back to beat me in opposition, it means they did a better job than I did.

Simple as that.
I just took Scottie's Mai Tai class.................names and photos of all others in attendance are being withheld to protect the guilty!

Best part for me at this special class, is no one remembers anything after the class!!!! :becky:
I attended the 1st Annual CSC class in 2010 and want to go back when the Jambo is unleashed. :cool:

I officially have temp plates and as of today, insurance!!! It's been unleashed... just in my driveway! I need to get it down to Jamie and then we'll have a coming out party... :thumb:
I don't teach competition classes nor anything cooking related, but what I do teach is arguably just as serious - forensics. First of all I provide a detailed class syllabus, that way there is no guessing or ambiguity as to what will be covered. Second, I teach every technique (or trick) I know. My objective is simple, I want my students to win. Even if those techniques come back to beat me in opposition, it means they did a better job than I did.

Simple as that.

Would you update your students ?
With the year I'm having, I'd almost kiss Scottie's arse in public......:sick:

I just wish i remember which recipes i told you guys... It sounds like they are working better than the one's ive been using... :becky:

And before someone thinks I was serious..
Im not. I teach how I cook. I want folks to suceed, so others want to come to a class. I do it for a cause. Not that making money is wrong, just not me.. And for the record. If folks want help or have questions after my class, i always try to help if i am asked. Again, i want recommendations for others to come to a class/fundraiser..
Would you update your students ?

Tough question. I have about 50-80 students a year, so keeping them up to date would be a chore. What I do instead is make myself available after the class. If someone called me up after taking the class and said they're dealing with a case with a newer technology (I work in high tech forensics), I would gladly explain the parallel technique or approach I'm now using.

Sooner or later so much will have changed that I'll likely see them back in an updated class.

That said, would I talk about something I'm going to be using in court very soon? Absolutely not. That could possible undermine my case. I guess that's akin to a competition course instructor giving up his new recipe before it's won anything or before he's perfected it. But really, do you just want cutting edge techniques or do you want something proven to win?

I'd wait for the latter.