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Dec 9, 2004
Wandering, but not lost
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Captain Ron
My wife is having a simple outpatient procedure done on Friday morning and she isn't supposed to eat anything tomorrow (just clear liquids) so I asked her what she wanted for her "last meal" (her words, not mine). Here's what she chose...


Meat loaf cooked on the gasser with smashed Yukon Gold taters and these...


She really enjoyed it all!
A wife that asks for meatloaf, smashed taters, and grilled zuchinni?
I gotta get me one of those...

Best wishes for her procedure. Hope she enjoyed that "last" meal. You're a good man for cooking it, and it looks really good!
Good luck to her Ron

What is on top of the loaf? Looks like it might be fresh herbs, but might possibly be turbinado?

Thanks for the well-wishes, gang! I'll pass them along.

Bill, I brushed the top with a little EVOO and then sprinkled on some oregano (it was dried. Our herb garden is crappy this year). The meat loaf was 50/50 ground round and ground turkey mixed with Lipton Onion and Mushroom Soup mix, catsup, bread crumbs, two eggs and some oregano, basil and thyme. Pretty simple.
You have inspired me with your meatloaf. I took some out of the freezer last night and I have taken it to work for lunch today. I can't wait till lunch time!!!!! Hope the procedure went ok for the wife.
hope everything turns out good Ron, you guys are in our thoughts.
Wow!!! That's what on special today here.
BBQ'D meatloaf.
Sandwich or dinner.


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Nice farkin' meat loaves, Joe! Your meat (loaf) is bigger than mine! :roll:

For those who sent well wished to my wife, everything went well. the procedure was at 2:00 and we're back home and she's feeling pretty good. The nurse told me to keep an eye on her for the next 12 hours since they have had some people do some strange things after being sedated. She said that one lady tried to burn her house down! :shock: