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Got rid of the matchlight.
Jul 19, 2010
San Mateo, CA
got a question for all of you, tried cold smoking a salmon, my set up is a uds, and i added smoke daddys smoker to it. how long are you smoking these, i know i did this WAAYYYY to long. On a side note tried albacore yesterday, 3hrs at 190 and it turned out super. thanks for the advice
^^^ :thumb:

I smoke salmon almost every week. At 190*, you're warm smoking it. I usually bring the IT up to about 145*. My wife likes it drier, so she prefers about 150*+. At that temp, I would expect it to take about 2 hours, depending on thickness, starting temp, etc. Although I've simplified it somewhat, this is more or less what I do:
I second the thirdeye method.. I'll smoke mine for about 3 hours or so to 145* in my electric Big Chief box smoker
got a question for all of you, tried cold smoking a salmon, my set up is a uds, and i added smoke daddys smoker to it. how long are you smoking these, i know i did this WAAYYYY to long. On a side note tried albacore yesterday, 3hrs at 190 and it turned out super. thanks for the advice

If your making nova lox, or something similar to it, a couple hours of smoke will be enough for a nice smokey flavor. I have smoked it for up to 12 hours and the smoke was overpowering the flavor of the fish.
If your making nova lox, or something similar to it, a couple hours of smoke will be enough for a nice smokey flavor. I have smoked it for up to 12 hours and the smoke was overpowering the flavor of the fish.
yup did mine for 12 hrs....i just about had to lick my ass just to get the taste out of my mouth, thanks for the advice ill try the next cold smoke for a couple hrs
These are great methods, but they are not true "cold smoking" Cold smoking is at very low temps under 100* and it takes a full day or two to smoke fish, and days to weeks to smoke meat. It usually requires a different smoke setup in order to keep temps low enough. In the old days they rarely smoked meats in the dead of summer because you couldn't keep the temps low enough.FWIW
Just like Fishhook says...cold smoking takes place at a temp of about 86°F go above 100°F and you'll be cooking your meat. Not to say that hot smoking a piece of salmon isn't tasty, but I prefer mine cold smoked...