Cleaning the UDS


Full Fledged Farker
Jun 29, 2008
I built a UDS.
I love my UDS!
I want to care for my UDS.

What should I be concerned with as far as build up on the interior of it? Do I need to clean it back to bare metal, how often do you do that and is it necessary. I am starting to think it will be necesssary to do so. I have used it approximately 10 times and done nothing other than clean ash out of the bottom of it.

I am not getting any strange flavors but I just don't know what is the best way to keep it up.

Thanks in advance

Beer Thirty BBQ
Wash and clean the racks and then I just turn mine on the side and hose it out... When I'm done I set up up side down with some spacers to allow it to dry...
Check for black stuff building up under the lid...some call it creosolt, some say it isn't...either way, you don't want this falling on your food. Regarding the rest of your drum, I spray the inside down with Simple Green then take it to the car wash and power wash it every so often... That seems to do the trick...I then re-season it after the powerwash.
Wash and clean the racks and then I just turn mine on the side and hose it out... When I'm done I set up up side down with some spacers to allow it to dry...

Ditto with the added part that I make sure the Weber kettle lid I have on mine, gets cleaned off with the weed burner when it starts to show some build up, and I give the interior a spray around with some Pam once it is air dry, to try and slow down any build up of rust in the drum.

That being said, "I still have to find the time to paint mine". Hopefully in the next week or two I'll build a couple more and then be able to take #1 out of the lineup and get it "looking as good as it's cooking"!