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Resident Idjit
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May 28, 2014
Streamwood, IL
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Sounds like Captain Ron is swamped at work, so I'll step up and see if we can get something going. Looks like Ron looked into some options and since we are The Brethren, Cook County seems like the only possibility (Only county that allows alcohol at their forest preserves). Thanks for the leg work Ron! :thumb: Being Crook County, you know they charge outrageous fees for the permit and we need to get the permit at least 14 days before the event.

Looks like the earliest we could have it is Saturday August 8th. No permits are being issued before then. So the next question is where do we have it? Camp Ground Woods in Des Plaines where we've had it the last few years? Somewhere else? North, South, East or West? Chime in people!

Do we have it in August like in past years? Or is August too hot? Maybe that's the cause for the lack of participation in past years. Maybe push it to September?

Who's in? Who's a maybe? Or do we skip this year with all the Rona stuff and regroup next year? Post your thoughts in the planning link.
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I'm in either way, but at this point we might actually have better luck with a private backyard get together than anything else... I'd offer mine but I only have a 25' by 35' back yard.... I'd be more than happy to chip in for the hosts costs for the grills and portable toilets or anything else... It would be great to see you folks again, I just don't think I have the real estate.... Growing up, we had this bar that gave you a raw steak for $10.00 and you cooked it yourself, they supplied everything else like the the sides, cooker, charcoal and etc.... It was a total hoot! Bikers eating with professionals having a good time time with live music! Ok, the live band might be a stretch :-D Like I said, I'm open, let's make this happen! I'm guessing we had 50 people last year, if we had 1/2 acre open space we could pull this off... right?


If the Chicago folks have any Ideas, my ears are wide open....

As the Illinois epicenter for the 'Rona, you might want to think about heading downstate a little bit.

I'm about 20 miles north of Bloomington/Normal on I-39. If there is some possible interest, we could look at options here. I've got 1.5 acres (would have to get the boss' approval), but there may be a park option here too. I'd love to meet some Illinois brethren!
