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I had a phone call yesterday from this guy and I had him send me an email describing what he was looking for. I wanted forward it on to a couple people I know in the KC area that may be interested. Anyway, I thought that some of the folks here may be interested as well. I sure would like to be able to promote my stuff on TV and it sounded like a good idea for me, unfortunately I will not be in the area during the time they are going to be there.

Here is the email that I was sent.


My name is Michael Everett, and I am a Production Coordinator with Magnetic Productions. I am currently doing research for a new food-related television series for a major cable network. Production on this series will begin this spring.

For this project, we are looking for a local individual who lives in Kansas City or the surrounding area and who loves to cook meat--particularly ribs, pulled pork, brisket, steak, and poultry

Ideally, this person will be a fun, larger-than-life character and have a real passion for cooking meat. However, please note that we're looking for amateurs--not restaurant professionals. They might work out of their home or have a mobile grill--that kind of thing.

If, during your work in the Kansas City area, you've come across someone who fits the bill, please let me know right away, as we'd love to get in touch with this person immediately.

Thank you for your time and please contact me if you have any questions.




Magnetic is one of the fastest-growing television production companies in the country. The company has over 80 full-time staff working out of offices in Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City, and currently has 11 series in production for a variety of cable networks.

If anyone wants the contact info just let me know and I can PM you rather than share it with the world.
Interesting. Good luck to any local board members that go for it. Hopefully they can meet the larger than life criteria, whatever that is.
Do they know what burgers are? If they can properly identify and label burgers, I might entertain the idea.

Actually, I'm not interested. My life is crazy enough already!:becky: I just wanted to give them some grief over the bastardization of the word burger that the vegans and health nuts have imposed on society.
Oh the Irony. I see you are from Minneapolis Kansas and the production company is from Minneapolis Minnesota. They actually produce some pretty neat DIY shows.