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Knows what WELOCME spells.
May 13, 2016
Spokane, WA
I hope this doesn't get me kicked off the forum but... As they have for the last few years around this time, Home Depot is selling 2-packs of 18.6 pound standard "blue bag" Kingsford charcoal for $9.88 for the 2-pack. If you use this stuff (as I do), this is a steal for us consumers. They usually limit this offer to two 2-packs per customer, but if you take your significant other you can get 8 bags and then go back in, each get 2 more 2-packs, & go to a different checker (or the self checkout system) you can score about 300 pounds of charcoal pretty quick. That's about a year's supply for us.

I do not work for or own stock in Home Depot. I hope this will be seen as the "public service announcement" I mean it to be!
I hope this doesn't get me kicked off the forum but... As they have for the last few years around this time, Home Depot is selling 2-packs of 18.6 pound standard "blue bag" Kingsford charcoal for $9.88 for the 2-pack. If you use this stuff (as I do), this is a steal for us consumers. They usually limit this offer to two 2-packs per customer, but if you take your significant other you can get 8 bags and then go back in, each get 2 more 2-packs, & go to a different checker (or the self checkout system) you can score about 300 pounds of charcoal pretty quick. That's about a year's supply for us.

I do not work for or own stock in Home Depot. I hope this will be seen as the "public service announcement" I mean it to be!

People would assume you work or own stock in Home Depot? Not sure why anyone would assume this for letting us know of a good deal.

But anyways that's a great deal. I have about 150lbs of charcoal. some royal oak chef select, and a few bags of KBB. I have transitioned from not using charcoal at all since I built my new smoker. I highly doubt it will see charcoal more than a time or two a year if that! Looks like I need a kettle LOL
There is no limit on this sale at HD. I just called a reserved a pallets' worth (48 bags) that I will be picking up tonight or tomorrow.
Lowe's always posts a 2 bag limit. I always get 5-10 double bags and not once have they ever called me on it.

I have over 400 pounds on hand but I'll have to grab a couple bags this weekend just in case. :wink:
I hope this doesn't get me kicked off the forum but... As they have for the last few years around this time, Home Depot is selling 2-packs of 18.6 pound standard "blue bag" Kingsford charcoal for $9.88 for the 2-pack. If you use this stuff (as I do), this is a steal for us consumers. They usually limit this offer to two 2-packs per customer, but if you take your significant other you can get 8 bags and then go back in, each get 2 more 2-packs, & go to a different checker (or the self checkout system) you can score about 300 pounds of charcoal pretty quick. That's about a year's supply for us.

I do not work for or own stock in Home Depot. I hope this will be seen as the "public service announcement" I mean it to be!

Gotta love the memorial and 4th sales! Every year like clockwork these deals come around.