Catered Some Brisket, Ribs and Sides (PRON)


Babbling Farker
Mar 6, 2010
We did a small catering gig over the weekend for just a family Sunday dinner. The lady was kind enough for me to snap a photo inside her home. The presentation is not what we are accustom to but it was nice to get such a simple gig.... BUT we do like the bigger gigs better indeed.

We Delivered;
Brisket, Ribs, Tater Salad, Mac N Cheese, Smoked Beans, Slaw, Deviled Eggs
Here are some photos and Thanks for looking.



In House

Last edited by Shiz-Nit; Today at 06:52 PM.​
Nice looking food there Shiz, it seems odd to cater dinner in, but, that would be a good dinner to have
Nice looking food there Shiz, it seems odd to cater dinner in, but, that would be a good dinner to have

yea only odd for people like us... but these people are elder and are repeated customers. She said it is hard to get the gradchildren to come over know they drive. But with your BBQ it is a sure thing they all will be there.

Kinda sad kids are like that anymore... and I always give her a special price just so everyone will come by.
You did good brotha, it is sad but hey bringing people together anyway possible is a great thing, good job and good luck with future gigs the grub looks great:grin:
The food looks fantastic. I would have loved a plate... oh, and can I get the camera too? That lens definitely did your grub justice.
That sure looks like a nice lil gig. I'm a grandparent and I know what it means to spend crazy:)loco: :crazy:) money on my grandkids! It's always worth every dime.
Looks fantastic. If my grandma had that kind of Q maybe I'd go visit her every now and then.

I kid, I kid.
Great looking Q, nice job. I understand people are busy, but we all have to make time to visit with family, cool that you get to be part of that.
Another example of BBQ bringing folks together. :thumb:

Excellent work - everything looks beautiful!