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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jan 16, 2013
3mi urban hike. Adjusting to 3:30 owb instead of pocket carry. Bought a small Pollo. Spatchcock and seasoned with last of my Sucklebusters. Offset in the Primo for 90 minutes then direct 6 minutes per side. Chopped bell peppers, roasted Hatch Chile’s purple onion six jumbo garlic clove sautéed. Seasoned veggies with Chef Meritos, some Mexican Oregeno, North of the Border green chile Rub. Added half jar Pace medium and a box of chicken stock. Added a small packet of verde valley long rice. Added chicken to veggie liquid for a 45 minute simmer while making a Green Chile cheese cornbread (Brides work). I’ll smear that with Irish Butter. Beer.
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I love how you incorporate bbq in dishes etc... I command you Sir! Outstanding as usual. :clap2:
Thanks everyone. Really was good. Bride is kidnapping some of the leftovers and making a Southwest Chicken Soup. Corn beans green chile etc. Her deal not mine. I’ll eat it, of course and enjoy it to a degree. but it’s not my favorite. It’s pretty thin and tastes like a liquid taco.

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