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is Blowin Smoke!
Jul 2, 2013
The Shenandoah Valley
I was inspired by a few other pumpkin threads so I decided to give it a try. Here is the build (took about 15 minutes). Im having a little shin dig tonight, food PRON to follow. I thought I would go ahead an post in case anyone else wanted to give it a try and compare results.

Here is what a started with. I decided to cut it with it laying on its side.

Then I fit the bottom grate (coal grate) from a smokey joe. Then the top gate, which I set about 1/2" down on a little carved out shelf. Fit perfectly. I also drilled a few holes in the top and bottom for air flow.

Stay Tuned!
This is either going to be awesome or it's going to be awesome. Can't wait to see pics of the pumpkin in action!
Sorry for the delay, between the tricker treaters and my buddy elijah craig I was distracted. Bottom line, this thing was a tank. Direct grilled the burgers first and it was dead on. Pulled the coals to the side, added some more lump, threw the wings on, and it passed the indirect test as well. Even at its hottest, the outside was only warm to the touch. I guess you could compare it to a mini egg. I didnt notice a pumpkin flavor in the food but the smell was noticable. I would do it again for sure, but next year I will be on the look out for a pumpkin that will fit a kettle grate!

Having trouble with pics, it might be elijah, but the screen says a "security token is missing". I will try with my phone, if not I will upload in the AM.

Thanks for looking in!