Broil King Keg top vent freezing shut


Knows what a fatty is.
Jul 30, 2012
So, I've been trying to cook with my keg recently, but the top vent has been frozen shut. Right now I'm in the cycle of opening up the lid to feed the charcoal some oxygen, then closing the lid to try and heat it up, then hoping the fire hasn't been too starved, opening up the lid and doing it all over again until the vent can open.

Just wondering if anyone has ran into this before and what did they do? If there was a way of preventing it from sticking shut in the first place? Last time it was warm, I thought of leaving it open, so it could freeze open,,,, but forgot last time.
I keep mine covered, but when I didn't and it froze shut, I found that a chimney of lump, with the lower vent wide open, is enough that I can open the top vent with a a bit of force after a few minutes.

Just try not to go too hot, as keg takes forever for the temp to come down.
I feel your pain, at least a little.

I started a smoke two days following an ice storm and with no above freezing weather in between.


Luckily the ice melted away in a couple minutes with the lid cracked open.
It took about 30 mins for the temp to come up enough to open the vent.

I just realized that I've got a Looftlighter that I could point at the vent, but that heat kinda scares me pointed there.
Well mine doesnt ever freeze but it does get stuck from time to time. I just hit it with my mapp torch and it loosens up pretty fast.
Try balling up a couple pieces of tin foil, and wedge them between the bottom and the lid to prop it open a bit so your fire has oxygen. Should thaw you out quickly.
If you have electricity available, try a hair dryer or heat lamp. If you don't then use a propane torch.
I like the idea of keeping the lid open a touch, seems the best bet.

I also like the idea of moving south, but not to Alabama, it'd be more like Cozumel where I'd go, I'm going to assume the diving is better there :)

And a hair dryer is not an option, don't have one, got nothing to use it on, the razor takes care of that..

Thanks everyone, I think the foil balls will be the best. As for now, the fire is out, the vent is slightly open and it's snowing....