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is Blowin Smoke!
Apr 23, 2012
Madison, WI
This all started with my wife wanting me to go to Costco with her. "Come with me, you should buy a big chunk of meat", might work everytime. Went and grabbed 2 prime briskets (her co-worker has been wanting another from me for awhile) and some ribs. I had some chicken legs from another sale so decided to cook those up too.

Rubbed my brisket with black ops and did the other with spog. I cut a chunk off of my flat to try in the sous vide sometime.


Cooked these at 275 cause I was worried they wouldn't be done in time. Took @6hours unwrapped.


Vented for 10 minutes and then wrapped and thrown in a cooler with towels for about 6 hours.


I did the ribs on the jr. Was a bit cramped!


Used a new cheaper knife that I need to sharpen it looks like. Kinda butched the ribs with it but still tasty


Some lean/fatty brisket


Pulled chicken I did in a pan with some apple juice,butter, indirect with a smoke tube.


For sides I did some doctored baked beans, creamy mac and cheese with sodium citrate to make it like velveeta texture with real cheese, and some coleslaw.


My plate


I had all 3 of my grills going and everything turned out great. Still surprised how quickly the briskets cooked but they did look thinner in the point area but still fantastic. Thanks for lookin'!
That's the first I have heard of sodium citrate. Is the Sweet Baby Rays for your beans or your ribs?

Love using melting salts for mac and cheese. Bechamel based ones always feel too grainy for me. This makes it creamy smooth like velveeta. The baby rays is for the ribs. The beans are regular baked beans drained and added onion, carmelized onions, brown sugar, maple syrup, soy sauce, worcestershire sauce, and some fish sauce topped with bacon. People love them.