Brisket practice...Feedback pls


Full Fledged Farker
Jan 24, 2014
Here is a picture of a recent brisket cook that I did.
Please give me some feedback and suggestions on how to improve.

Only a very minor suggestion from me...try to fan out all of the slices to look even...a couple pieces look more covered by the piece in front than others....but overall looks really good....8/9 for me

You will achieve that look by taking all sequentially sliced pieces and then laying them down in order that you cut them. The first couple of pieces look to have a much darker bark then the rest which leads me to believe that they weren't from the same sequence of cuts.
That box doesn't need much improvement :thumb: just very minor changes in my opinion. Fan the slices out more evenly and cut all the slices the same length. That's still a good looking box as is.
You will achieve that look by taking all sequentially sliced pieces and then laying them down in order that you cut them. The first couple of pieces look to have a much darker bark then the rest which leads me to believe that they weren't from the same sequence of cuts.

I think the rest of the slices have the same bark, you just can't see it as they are at a steeper angle to the camera.

Thats a 9 for me.:thumb:
Overall, I like where you were headed with the arrangement (burnt ends framing the two sides of the slices), I like the color, the slices look moist and appealing. I would agree that the placement of the slices could use some improvement as #5, #6, and #7 are out of sync with the others. The glare from the lighting is deceiving on the right hand column of BE's, so I disregarded that. I think this is a strong 7, but in all honesty I believe in person it may score an 8.

You might consider leaving out the slices that are different widths, like the leading one for example.
I'd give it an 8 as is. Looks a wee bit dry and I'm not liking the "green tint" that the slices exhibit - probably looks better in person. BEs look GREAT!
Like kenthanson said, keep the slices in the same order that you cut them and fan them out so that they look pretty much identical to the one next to it on either side.