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So this is a perfect example of why it's very hard to give a score based on a photo :-D Things link the injection stains were most likely not this visible in person, and having a photo in front of me lets me scrutinize it. In a real judging environment I'd have 10 - 20 seconds to look at it and give it a score, most likely under poor lighting.

So, my first glance score was a 9. After I looked at it for a while I lowered it to an 8 because of the staining and the curved slices. I may have given it an 8 because of the curved slices alone, but that's a tough one. The curve doesn't make the brisket any less desirable, it just makes the box look less than perfect.
Maybe the yellow staining was more prevalent than you realized at the time and that is why you got three 7's. Just a guess...

I have made boxes that i thought were perfect only to look at a pic later and see problems with it.
Maybe the yellow staining was more prevalent than you realized at the time and that is why you got three 7's. Just a guess...

I have made boxes that i thought were perfect only to look at a pic later and see problems with it.

Maybe so but I am pretty positive they wern't very noticable. Just thought 3 7's was a bit funky. Not bitchin just wanted to have some fun with it. I definitely don't think it is a perfect box. Thats just how it goes. On to the next one!
I'd say based on the scores the injection marks were more visible than maybe you thought. 9 if I could not see the marks but judging what I see with injection marks a 7-8
Looks like a really good box to me then, if they were not visible. It is just like I would like my brisket to appear: Moist, hearty, and all about the beef. I will be interested to see if folks comment on your lack of BEs. I typically do not include them either....

(Side note, check out how loose the muscle fibres are around your injection sites compared to where they are not. Remarkable really)

If anyone comments on lack of burnt ends, I hope they aren't judging my turn ins. A judge is supposed to judge what was presented, not what he/she wishes it was.

I'd give it an 8. It looks really good but the injection marks mar the appearance just a little
I hear you need to present like Harry Soo if you want 9's in Cali

i'm so out of the loop, it's not even funny. :evil:

ryan, i'd give a 9. what doesn't look appetizing in that box?

while BE's, and here we go...flame all you want...not being in the box doesn't score down from me, if they are in there, AND they look good, the box is more appetizing in appearance because i know how good they can taste.

one MAY get a better appearance score.
The box looks outstanding.

As a CBJ and Cook, I'd give you a 9 all day long.

Nice work!

CBJ and cook also and I agree 9 (without injection marks)....I have only judged a handful of times, but I feel (just a feeling) that many "non-cook" judges like to score down as they are placing your brisket in their zip-lock bag!
From my experience an injected brisket seems to get darker the longer is sits after being sliced. When I say injected I'm talking about phosphates (i.e. Kosmos or Butchers).

Has anyone else noticed this?

My point being, this picture was taken of freshly sliced brisket. Maybe the contrast of injection marks were exaggerated the longer the slices sat in the box. Maybe the reason for the lower scores?

I would give this picture an 8.

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From my experience an injected brisket seems to get darker the longer is sits after being sliced. When I say injected I'm talking about phosphates (i.e. Kosmos or Butchers).

Has anyone else noticed this?

My point being, this picture was taken of freshly sliced brisket. Maybe the contrast of injection marks were exaggerated the longer the slices sat in the box. Maybe the reason for the lower scores?

I would give this picture an 8.


Very well could have been the case. The liquid I mixed the injection with is dark so I guess i'll revert back to the clear.:thumb:
Great looking turn-in

I've scored 9's with way uglier boxes than that which looks great, therefore I would say 9's all the way. Those judges were very poor. I would proudly turn in that box in every comp I do. Pictures never do the turn-in boxes justice. The judges get so little time to scrutinize the appearance it really surprises me that anyone here could say that box was anything less than a 9. Again.... KCBS judges should be required to cook competitively once in a while so they could somehow extract their head from their arses.
Very easy to hide the streaks and still inject.

Get rid of those small azz needles. Get a DICK! Thats F Dick.

Oh and Keep your marinade below 40 F