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Knows what WELOCME spells.
Feb 17, 2013
Wabamun Ab
I have a couple of questions regarding my first brisket. It is a 18# and I am considering separating the point and the flat before I smoke it. I do not have a big enough smoker to handle it in one piece. What percentage would be flat and how much would be point? Am I crazy for even considering a first time brisket for a group of about 50 people? I think I would like to smoke it a day or two ahead and reheating it, just so I know the timing would be OK. I have been doing lots of thread searches and learning a lot, but trying to figure out if that is enough flat for that many people and should I have a second meat are making me scratch my head more than a little. Sorry if this sounds mixed up but it has been a long day.

Ive cooked hundreds of packers on a Weber OTS and never had to separate the two muscles. use the Ring of Fire arrangement and cook it fat cap down.