Brickseek Target KBB 16lb $4.74

Not here, sadly- it's about double your price. I'm down to about 4 bags.

I used to get the shakes when I got this low- but meditation and self medication have helped a lot.
8 x 4.74


They had 36 available. This was restraint.
Why not? It doesn't go bad. There...I made the decision for you. :wink:

Lesson here folks.

I rearranged to put the newest bags at the bottom. The Royal Oak was from a cheap Walmart or Lowe’s sale a few years ago. The BB was last years $3/bag Walmart clearance.

And the twin 18s were on the bottom and still plastic wrapped before I pulled them out. Most likely Labor Day 2018, $9.99 for the two pack.

Pick it up when you can.

Was at Walmart earlier decided to hike back to Garden center. It was discounted to 6.97@
Bought two just to say I played