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A 501c 3 is a charity, if you go back and check you will find that it has been difficult for even Cookers Care to get money from KCBS. KCBS is closer aligned to a service or educational organization now not a charity.

I said I know it isn't a charity...

Your response still doesn't answer the question on how an organization would be able to function if every single time they spent money it had to have a positive return.

This diversion isn't really the point of this thread, I just don't think that motion was a valid point that that board member does good things for KCBS... I think that motion, along with a list of others handcuffs it, and prevents it from the charter.


Would you agree to a release of the tapes of the last board meeting?

If you do so, I'll personally ask Merl to do the same.


Would you agree to a release of the tapes of the last board meeting?

If you do so, I'll personally ask Merl to do the same.



What if I told you that tape was obtained while I was still a member of the board of directors? If I told you that, then I'd say it's probably unethical to release it to the public at this time. I've not consulted anyone about it, I just think that's the answer I would get to my hypothetical question. The entire board knows what went on in that meeting. If need be, there is a recording to prove or disprove any or all of it. There's a recording made of each and every meeting for the last several years. Besides, if the only point we're trying to prove is as to whether I was removed from a meeting for something I said to another board member after being told "I was too stupid to speak to him/her" then I'll let them have that. It's just not that important to me Jeff.

I don't know if I've helped or hurt your case, but I hope you can appreciate my situation. Thnx!

I don't have a case. I just agree with Scottie and Steve that the tape should be released.

I don't know about your tape, Merl's tape, or the board's tape.

I have not jumped to any conclusions. I know Merl and Carol from several years of KCBS comps and classes. You and I have many mutual friends who assure me that you are a man of character. I don't know who or what to believe.

But, I think there is more to the meeting than the removal issue.

Frankly, I could care less about the other board members knowing the details. I think the membership deserves to know the truth about the whole meeting, and that can only happen if you and Merl agree to the release of the tapes.

Listening to the end of Rod's interview on BBQ Central was the best and only piece of substance in this whole melodrama. Let's get out of the mud and get strategic. Let's focus on making BBQ better and bigger. "The Tape" is just another meaningless topic distracting us all from the mission of KCBS. It is getting into the "thick of thin things".

Listening to the end of Rod's interview on BBQ Central was the best and only piece of substance in this whole melodrama. Let's get out of the mud and get strategic. Let's focus on making BBQ better and bigger. "The Tape" is just another meaningless topic distracting us all from the mission of KCBS. It is getting into the "thick of thin things".


Great point
Frankly, I could care less about the other board members knowing the details. I think the membership deserves to know the truth about the whole meeting, and that can only happen if you and Merl agree to the release of the tapes.


As a current member, I could not agree more!

Not sure if the tape would clear everything up, but it would leave little doubt about who said what!
We have heard one person’s side, innuendos, minimal collaboration, and not much else. I’m rooting for the Paul Harvey “and now for the rest of the story” part. That is the only fair thing to do for the "horribly divided leadership", one person's take, that is being put out as 'fact' with no supporting statements or documentation. We just might be surprised to say the least.
I disagree. It might make people take a second look at who they vote for.

True.. but if one tape were made available, others would want previous tapes made available to see what took place at previous meetings that may have set the table etc..then it will be the need for e-mails, phone calls, voice mails, text messages etc... would become and endless cycle ...just not necessary IMO..

just like in any democracy, the members have the right to elect the best candidates.. somehow this candidate was found to be worthy of a spot by the KCBS members who voted based on what they knew of the person at the time. If the mystery BOD member has a poor record during the term or negative perception by word of mouth through grassroots efforts proves otherwise, he will not be re-elected. But in the meantime, just like with local, state or federal politics chit happens that many don't like.. the next election allows things to change... hopefully a few that are not happy with the current state of afairs will step up and consider running rather than waiting for someone else to lead.