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What is this blasphemy?!?!? Forecast is now saying 20% chance of rain in the evening Friday and PM showers Saturday? This is Cornelia, we won't stand for dry conditions!

I'm sorry..........can someone help me here?? What is this word I've outlined here on Friday's forecast??? Seems like some made up word. It appears they misspelled "Violent Downpourning of Oceans Full of Rain". :shock:
Everyone, thanks for offering to help. I'm sure it won't be a problem.

I am still bringing my full rain suit :)
I'm sorry..........can someone help me here?? What is this word I've outlined here on Friday's forecast??? Seems like some made up word. It appears they misspelled "Violent Downpourning of Oceans Full of Rain". :shock:

You forgot sideways somewhere in there...I blame it on the location in conjunction to the mountains, but it is a "Violent Downpouring of Oceans Full of Sideways Rain"; meaning, a measly umbrella does no good...

In other news, I'm not sure that I am going to know what to do without being hulled up in our tent on Friday night due to the downpour; this may get out of hand if we can socialize. :becky::crazy:
Rain back in the forecast, whew, that was close.

Yeah I was wondering what kind of Twilight Zone situation was happening with no rain. Only some am rain tomorrow though and NOTHING still on Saturday?!?:twitch::twitch:

I don't know how I feel about this. When we get there today we'll setup our hoses pointed up in the air and just turn them on.
Good luck to everyone this wet weekend. Hopefully I will get to meet some of you next weekend in Calhoun.