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Knows what WELOCME spells.
Jun 18, 2014
Tempe , AZ
I need some help with my temperature control on the BGE. I have been using the guru and lately i haven't been able to get the pit temp(225-250) on the guru to correlate with the temp on the egg it self. The temp difference has been in the +50(BGE temp) when i set the fan to 225.

I have tried several different places on the grate and have had little sucess

Where is the best place to put the pit probe? Also i do have a drip pan that i use as a water bath.

Here is a pic of my setup, no pit probe in pic.

The BGE thermometer sits higher in the chamber, so I would expect the temperature to read higher. What's important controlling the temp where the meat is. I would move the pit probe closer to where the meat sits on the grill, and out of the direct heat zone. If you're concerned that your pit probe may not be reading correctly for the Guru, test it with some boiling water. If you have a calibrated Maverick, you might try putting the two probes side by side.
Like above poster mentioned, I would expect the BGE one to read higher because it is almost at the top of the dome where the hottest air collects. The Guru probe on the grate is a more accurate cooking temperature. Be careful not to get the probe over the small areas not covered by the deflector, those can be hot zones. You also don't want it right next to the meat or the cold meat can hide your real temperature.
Place the probe on the grate. I only worry about the Guru temp.

Calibrate the egg thermometer. Easy to do. Just place in boiling water and you can easily adjust with a wrench above the stem.

I have also noticed that the longer the cook the BGE therm will match the guru probe but at the beginning they can be off ~50*

If you have any other questions PM me I have the same set up.