BBQ'ing some Beef Shoulder ($1.99/lb) [Question]


Babbling Farker
Jul 6, 2013
Sprouts was having a sale on 85% lean ground beef last week for $1.99/lb. The butcher sold me the chunks of shoulder they get in cryo packs, that they grind up for this ground beef there at the store, for the same price: $1.99/lb.


I am BBQ'ing a small portion of one of these shoulders now. It's at around 160F.

I think I want to slice this meat instead of pulling it. Would I not foil it in this case? And at what internal temperature should I cut it? How long do I let it rest first?

It's smelling good and has a nice bark going on at least.
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Do you know what cut of the shoulder it is (clod, chuck roll)? Either way, yes I would wrap (I use butcher paper when I do clod). Shoulder is greatly helped by braising. Don't go by an internal temp. When it probes tender, it is ready to slice. That is normally somewhere above 195 for reference. Let it rest at least an hour (until the internal temp has quit climbing and started to drop again before wrapping it).
Saw the final. Turned out really nice. Sorry I didn't get to you a little earlier. Since you were eating it immediately, I don't think it suffered too much from (possibly) being pulled a little early. The only other thing I would recommend next time is thinner slices. Like brisket flat, the thinner slices really work better.