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is one Smokin' Farker
Jul 23, 2013
Manchester, UK
I've wanted to make garlic soup for a while and thought I'd try utilizing the Q. It turned out great with a nice hint of smoke running through it. It'd be a good starter and is something you could make whilst doing a long slow smoke

6 heads of garlic smoked for 2 hours at around 250F, I used mesquite
6 small / 4 medium white onions - throw straight onto the coals and rotate after 15 minutes, getting a good char. I cooked mine for around 30 minutes
2 large leeks
2 carrots
2 tbsp lemon juice
250ml single cream
2 bay leaves
2 litres chicken stock
Black pepper

Roast the garlic and onions, cover and set aside to cool. Finely chop the leeks and carrots and sautee in butter until the leek has wilted and carrot softened a little. Remove the garlic cloves from the bulbs and skin and chop the onion and add to the pan and sautee for another few minutes. Add bay leaves, chicken stock and 1 tsp black pepper and simmer for 30-45 minutes. Remove bay leaves and blend the soup, add 3/4 of the cream and the lemon juice, cover and simmer for another 30-45 minutes. Add remaining cream and butter, season to taste and serve topped with some parmesan and parsley

No need to worry about vampires after eating a bowl of this! I didn't have any unfortunately, but serve this with a cold, bitter IPA and some crusty bread