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Nice Big looks real good. Ya gonna do it?
Do what? The certificate? It's already been done and Que-Dawg got the very first one. I didn't post a pic of the real one so as to tease everyone.:twisted: Que-Dawg knows what it looks like because he owns one with his name on it.
BUT... I thought the definition of a fattie was 'ground meat'?
correct me if I'm wrong guys....

This should be our first throwdown... YAY!
I tried Googling the definition of fatty, but could not find anything pertaining to what we are cooking here. Some scary photos though.:eek:

So has the definition of a fatty evere truly been nailed down here at the Brethren in a rather official sense?
Past winners also (I was wondeirng how long it would take for a past winner to ask). Just shoot me a PM with your email and the name you want printed on the certificate.:wink:
Ok here is my entry. Since I'm going to win the next Throwdown is meatloaf. Sorry to end the thread so quick. Just kidding!!!!!!!!

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Here is a sneak preview of the certificate. This is a draft version and not the final one. You can only see the certificate in final form if you win a certificate, but it is pretty close to this design.

Oh Boy, this would sure look nice next to the MOINK Baller Cert. For those of us with wins (or multiple wins :rolleyes:).....what do we need to supply you with??
Oh Boy, this would sure look nice next to the MOINK Baller Cert. For those of us with wins (or multiple wins :rolleyes:).....what do we need to supply you with??
Any past winners who would like a certificate (or certificates as the case may be), please shoot me a PM with the following:

1. Email address you want the certificate(s) mailed to.
2. The Category (or Categories) you won.
3. Your name which you want printed on the Certificate(s) (handle, real name, whatever).
4. The name you want your entry (or entries) called on the certificate(s).

That's it! Once I get all 4 of these pieces of information, I will put it on the certificate(s) and send it.:wink:
Any past winners who would like a certificate (or certificates as the case may be), please shoot me a PM with the following:

1. Email address you want the certificate(s) mailed to.
2. The Category (or Categories) you won.
3. Your name which you want printed on the Certificate(s) (handle, real name, whatever).
4. The name you want your entry (or entries) called on the certificate(s).

That's it! Once I get all 4 of these pieces of information, I will put it on the certificate(s) and send it.:wink:

does each cert get the winning photo?
I was thinking goetta, too... May have to change to ground bacon! Bacon stuff bacon, wrapped in bacon... fark that 'bacon explosion'... I'm going for the bacon implosion!
JP, what's in that good looking hunk of fatty. You've got my vote so far, unless the stuffing is cottage cheese. Some details please and if it is cottage, fess up. I might vote on honesty also