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Now, I would just like to point out that this forum is displaying a distinct tendency to become SILLY. Now, nobody likes a good laugh more than I do... except, perhaps Phil... and some of the mods. Oh, yes, and deguerre. Come to think of it, most people like a good laugh more than I do, but that's beside the point! I'm warning this forum NOT to get SILLY again! Right!

Actually it seems rather tame so far by TD standards. I know that can change quickly.

At least no one has said "Farking Special Rules" .... yet. :thumb:

It would appear this new TD topic is clusterfark-proof!


Not so fast... We haven't heard from Oldyote yet. :becky:

Do you feel he is stepping on your toes? I personally think you can fark this TD up far better than bigabyte could ever hope to fark it up.


See above... :heh:

Should I use a European Swallow or African Swallow?



Just spit.


Now, I would just like to point out that this forum is displaying a distinct tendency to become SILLY. Now, nobody likes a good laugh more than I do... except, perhaps Phil... and some of the mods. Oh, yes, and deguerre. Come to think of it, most people like a good laugh more than I do, but that's beside the point! I'm warning this forum NOT to get SILLY again! Right!

now what to do with these birdies