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You are close... If you would have said what the furcula is it, you would have been spot on:

The furcula ("little fork" in Latin) or wishbone is a forked bone found in birds and some other animals, and is formed by the fusion of the two clavicles. In birds, its primary function is in the strengthening of the thoracic skeleton to withstand the rigors of flight. The furcula works as a strut between a bird's shoulders, and articulates to each of the bird's scapulae. In conjunction with the coracoid and the scapula, it forms a unique structure called the triosseal canal, which houses a strong tendon that connects the supracoracoideus muscles to the humerus. This system is responsible for lifting the wings during the recovery stroke. As the thorax is compressed by the flight muscles during up- and downstroke, the upper ends of the furcula spread apart, expanding by as much as 50% of its resting width, and then contracts. X-ray films of starlings in flight have shown that in addition to strengthening the thorax, the furcula acts like a spring in the pectoral girdle during flight. It expands when the wings are pulled downward and snaps back as they are raised. Acting like a spring, the furcula is able to store some of the energy generated by contraction in the breast muscles, expanding the shoulders laterally, and then releasing the energy during upstroke as the furcula snaps back to the normal position. This, in turn, draws the shoulders toward the midline of the body. In birds, the furcula also may aid in respiration by helping to pump air through the air sacs (heh, heh, heh... It said sack :heh:).


What a fascinating read about bird flight and the wish bone. I have so much more respect for it now. We always dry them and say the thing, "What goes us the chimney.....".

Speaking of sac, the last time I was in Toronto I asked my brother to pick out a coffee shop for us all to meet at. He chose Balzac's which is a fantastic place with 5 or 6 outlets and roasts its own coffee. You should have seen my brother's face when I said "Ball sac's? Let's call it Scrotum's!" I think I ruined it for him but I made it whackadoodle special for myself and our friend David who laughed his head off!