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Yep, leaving here in a few minutes for Wyoming. Just too busy getting ready the last few days to try to get a submission together.

Why not give it a try anyway....make some Pizza over the campfire?

Well, our vehicle is already full and we aren't taking anything that needs to stay cool. More than likely we will be backpacking in so weight will be the key. Mostly we will live off of MRE's, dehydrated meals and PB&J sammies. If it was just a camping trip I would definitely give it a shot.
Oh I can hardly WAIT...:hungry:


I love pizza. It may by my favorite food.

I've been making this sauce for awhile now. My daughter and wife both love it on any kind of pizza.

sauce one.JPG
sauce final.jpg

I'm really torn between what kind of pizza I like best but lately I've been craving deep dish. It is a lot of fun to try to recreate Chicago Style crust. It seems that asking what makes a real Chicago style crust is almost like asking what is real BBQ.

dough one.JPG
dough final.JPG

Keeping my daughter in mind I didn't want too go to crazy. Tonight's pie was just cheese, sauce, roasted tomatoes and olives.

all the stuff.JPG
dough with stuff.JPG

I usually make my deep dish pizza in the regular oven, but since this was a throwdown I fired up the egg.

in the egg.JPG

Turned out great. Thanks for looking.

out of the egg.JPG
last slice.JPG
Looks like we're off to a great start! Two fine entries already! :clap2:
Yum! I love pizza, both great looking entries!!! Hopefully I'll be doing an entry tonight, I haven't ever done a pizza on the grill so this should be interesting.
Has Bigabyte ever done pizza? ... I don't recall, but I can imagine a Spam and Eggplant deep-dish.

I really did think about just that Gore, but decided that I would likely be the only one eating. Even the black olives were a stretch for my four year old. And my wife dislikes both spam and eggplant.

I guess on the upside I would have had the whole pie to myself but some pretty upset campers to live with.
I'm really torn between what kind of pizza I like best but lately I've been craving deep dish. It is a lot of fun to try to recreate Chicago Style crust. It seems that asking what makes a real Chicago style crust is almost like asking what is real BBQ.

How true :) I'm not sure how yours tasted compared to the restaurant crust, but it sure looked good!
I may or may not be cooking on Friday, and may or may not be able to make a double entry. It all depends on what the photo shows....I mean, looks like. You know how I hate those out of focus pictures!:becky:

Errr... well you got my attention right away. :shock: I didn't read the rest of the thread ( I should mention this because I'd be crazy if I thought no-one had come to the same conclusion....:becky:)

I'm concerned about the "DOUBLE ENTRY" aspect of this TD and in particular, should there actually BE a double entry.... how you DO manage to focus when in such a slippery situation is taking place requiring a good deal of balance, some KY, a sporting participant, and perhaps a spare cameraman that should probably be a unich unless an extra hole happens to appear.....:tape:

Oh Wait....:shocked:

I'll stop here....:bow:

