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I have an idea for a second attempt...sort's not very well formed yet...but a vague signature of an idea happened anyways...I think.
Well... This probably isn't as hot as some of you will cook, but I'm not going to cook something that no one will eat, so this is about as hot as it gets.

Brisket Chili with Jalapeno Cornbread...



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I did not know Smoky Al was a wuss, I had assumed he could eat anything after seeing the Sriracha Chicken Burger Sandwich.

What can I do with tofu for this Throwdown? There has to be something.

I didn't know you could call someone a wuss and then say you are going to eat tofu... :confused: Or only real men eat tofu?
Ron, that looks like some yummy chili. You wouldn't have cooked that with green marbles by any chance? I figure they might be on the bottom of the bowl.

No. Sorry. I lost my marbles years ago. In fact, I think it was on or about Dec. 9, 2004. :rolleyes: