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Dang, I was reading through the thread thinking I should have taken better pictures of the stuffed peppers I made the other night, and then came across Thirdeye's entry. Now I gotta go get some more peppers and make a batch that looks pretty as well as tastes good...
All these entrys look so good, it is gonna be hard to decide which one is better,,I think this is gonna be one of the harder "Throwdowns" to do..

And as far as nameing the chicken skin wrapped Peppers,,
Atomic Chicken Bombs = ACBs
All these entrys look so good, it is gonna be hard to decide which one is better,,I think this is gonna be one of the harder "Throwdowns" to do..

ya i agree, these all look insane.

thanks for the peps thirdeye, i think im gonna try them this weekend
Pepper-cheese balls with bacon, green-chile cheeseburger

Stuffed peperoncini with sharp cheddar and wrapped with hamburger:

Seasoned and grilled. Served with sides of yam, chunky guacamole and a green-chile bacon cheeseburger on sesame seed bun.


Close-up (note, sliced pc-ball):


"I'm really, really hungry!"


Awwww, finally,


Use the third shot.

Here we go for theHot-N-Spicy Throwdown..... the ingredients are above. Early on in the cook, the wings were sharing the grate with some stuffed poblanos (often called pasilla peppers up yonder :confused:). Anyway, these wings were dipped in egg wash, then into seasoned flour & corn meal, then cooked raised direct at 275° until crispy. This took almost 2 hours. Lastly, the jazzed up wing sauce :twisted: was added and glazed for a few minutes.




The picture below will be the money shot.....


Well it is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dang it all looks good!! Gonna be hard to pick a winner again this time!
Wow! Is that a Texas-Red stuffed Poblano with Sour Cream?:cool:
Stuffing is a augratin potato with ham and chorizo sausage ans egg. I added some cayenne pepper flakes for heat along with a light drizzle of Tobasco sweet pepper sauce and sour cream. You don't want to know how many I have had today.:eek::biggrin:

I think the color came from the chorizo. It does look like a red chili or chili colorado.
that plating is pretty slick RCS, peppers look good

Well, I wasn't pleased with the outcome but here goes my entry.

Flank Steak Grilled Enchiladas with a Jalapeno Chili con Carne

The flank was marinated over night with some fresh lime juice, chili powder, paprika, and garlic powder. Took it out and dusted with some chili-lime rub, salt, and pepper
The steak, fresh of the grill, little more done than i would have liked but great flavor
enchilada pan, moments after it was taken off the grill
The final product.
Inside is the steak, some caramelized yellow onions, and some diced jalapeno. On top is my jalapeno chili con carne and some Cheddar and Monterrey Jack. Served with some spanish rice.

Edit: Use the last pic
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Well I gotta enter something. The last couple of things didn't turn out so well. I suppose my entry will be the leftover pulled pork tacos or the hot and spicy cornbread.

Okay I'm going with the cornbread. It was cooked entirely on the little Brinkman smoke and grill. "Hot Rize" corn meal, 6 very hot peppers, black, red, cayenne, and red pepper flakes. Hot breakfast sausage and onions. Delicious. Use the first pic please.



Not the greatest picture, but this was served at the Cardinals-Texans game yesterday - Monty's Texas Red Chili, hotness included 5 Serranos, plenty of New Mexico Chili Powder and a good dose of Cayenne Pepper! Was consumed to rave reviews. Thanks to Monty's Dad for the recipe.
