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I had some Pinto Beans and Mexican Rice which can mean only one thing....


I got started by cooking up some Bacon in a cast iron skillet on my 22" Weber Kettle. This is pretty much how everything should get started, whether the dish has Bacon in it or not. Depending on whether or not I eat the Bacon, this dish might have Bacon in it.

Then using the fat renderings from the bacon, I took some leftover Pulled Pork to make Carnitas. Depending on whether or not I eat the Carnitas, this dish might have Carnitas in it.

Then I put some chopped onion and red and yellow peppers in to fry up until nice and tender.

I let the Bacon, Carnitas, and the Onion/Pepper mix cool down to room temp for the next step. Here are the ingredients which are Carnitas, Bacon, Half & Half, Pinto Beans, Mexican Rice, Colby Jack cheese and sauteed Peppers and Onions.

I whisked the eggs with a quart of half & half.

I put a layer of Mexican Rice in the bottom of a greased aluminum half-pan.

I then put on a layer of half of the Carnitas, Bacon and Pinto Beans.

Then I put on a layer of the Peppers and Onions.

Then I added a layer of Colby Jack Cheese.

Then I poured in half of the Egg mixture.

Then I repeated each layer again, adding the rest of the Egg mixture over the top.

I put this in my WSM at 325*.

It took a longer than planned to finish, but you can't rush perfection!

I served it with some Salsa Picante and a dollop of Jalapeno Cream Cheese. I wanted to get a pic of each side from a couple angles, but the Jalapeno Cream Cheese got too melty and slid off the side and into the red sauce messing it all up. So I ate it!:hungry:

It farking rocked!:thumb:
Wow, I was expecting something outrageous, and utterly inedible. That casserole looks pretty sane, and darn tasty. I'd hit that.

And, no SPAM! :clap2:

Wow, I was expecting something outrageous, and utterly inedible. That casserole looks pretty sane, and darn tasty. I'd hit that.

And, no SPAM! :clap2:

I was very, very tempted to do a triple entry by using tortillas either in place of the rice or along with the rice, and using SPAM as the meat. I just couldn't get past the carnita's and bacon, and frankly didn't think the tortillas would work so well when it came time for cutting.
Biggie's new "Times Square" avatar is great. Once I got over the initial laugh, I had to think it might actually work. :thumb:

Of course, he made the avatar change, most conveniently, right after he posted his egg entry. Coincidence?

I read the description for this throwdown that included "Any sort of eggs can be used, be they from birds, reptiles, fish, whatever." I wanted to do something Vegan-friendly, and I know bird, reptile, and fish eggs do not qualify, so I had to resort to the "whatever," which must include plants in order for it to be Vegan-friendly. I went to the store and picked up the necessary ingredients, including some red peppers (that I roasted) and some plant eggs. Well, they were labeled a little differently.


I coated the eggplant in EVOO,


and grilled them:


I also grilled a few sausage while I was at it.


These were wrapped in the roasted red pepper and the eggs to make a Vegan-friendly dinner.


I find it's not a bad thing to go Vegan every now and then.

The enchila-thingy looks great, Chris! Love the avatar, too!

Gore, after seeing your vegan entry I realized that I may be a vegan! :rolleyes:
Thank god it was eggplant. I was initially worried that their might be a mammal egg involved. Yeah, that's extreme, but it is Gore.

Of course, it isn't midnight, yet. :shock:

Well, I normally save this for special occasions like Christmas, but I'd say my first Throwdown submission after a summer off while everyone else cooked for me should qualify. After the UBS, it is nice to get back to the grill. I began by roasting some red peppers:


and cracking some eggs,


I scrambled these up with chives, parsley, salt and pepper:


and it's critical that they be runny, because I'm not done cooking them yet. The night before, I'd made some puff pastry. This is the method I use

I also sauteed spinach with garlic, salt and pepper, and a couple tablespoons of cream. I then rolled out the puff pastry and lined a spring-form pan.


Now begins the fun. I put a layer of eggs,


then spinach


then grated cheese


then meat, in this case sliced turkey:


I cover this with those roasted red peppers


Now, second verse, same as the first, but in reverse.





I coat the pastry with eggwash:


I tried something a little different this time and cranked the oval up to 500*. It got a wee bit dark on one side. Next time I'll go with 450*:


I let this cool before serving, about 30 minutes. Here's what it looks like inside:


and a slice


Thanks for looking!
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But alas, I did cook up some eggs for a meal today. While I hate to repost the same post in each TD, I did enjoy the journey and I would like to let voters follow along for each TD.

So, I have been playing around with things in my head this week and it all came together. I had a bunch of stuff in the freezer that needed to be used and I also wanted to cook this weekend. What to do, what to do. Then it all came together and turned into a search for the largest tortilla I could find. Being a lazy man, where I eventually found my tortilla will not surprise you but we will get to that later :noidea:.

First off, it's Sunday of Labor Day weekend. I had to cook something and luckily I had pulled some chicken leg quarters out of the freezer and had them ready to go. Nothing special with them really, just hit them with a good helping of my own rub and off to the drum. Once done I gobbled one down and pulled the other two for use later:rolleyes:.


Later on this evening I fired up the kettle mounted in my WIP cooker cart.



While that was going I prepped the SPAM. I cut it thinly and hit it with a little rub and fried it up on the kettle as a bacon substitute. When it's thin and crispy I challenge any of you to tell the difference in a blind taste test :thumb:.



Once the SPAM was cooked I chopped it up and set it to the side. Next came the eggs. Using the fancy egg holder thingies I cooked up some eggs in a lazy man's fashion. I sprinkled a little cracked pepper on top because I like pepper and that is the only reason I need.



Next came the burrito. I did a simple mix of cream cheese, colby jack and some chopped serranos. Then just rolled into a tortilla and onto the grill.




And there you have it. SPAM, eggs, and tortilla all in one cook and a triple submission for three throwdowns at once. :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:

New Cooker Cart Build
2 UDS's on a custom cart (looking for a new home soon, PM me)
Good One Rodeo (Free from CL)
SS Performer (CL score)
Darth Stewie Pizza Cooker (Made from CL scores)
2 22.5" and a 18.5" Weber (CL scores) and a POS COS (well intentioned b-day present)
IMBAS Certified MOINK Baller

Wait, what's that? What do you mean this doesn't count? Yes, I do like dilly bars...:boxing::boxing::roll::becky::becky:

Alright fine, I shall continue on then.....

Okay, you caught me, the first burrito was just a decoy to distract the raccoon that is now living in my garage. I kid you not, when I came out to grill this I saw him scurry off into a dark corner of my way too cluttered garage under a boat. I can't hate him though. With the economy the way it is I am sure it is tough for him to find work and he probably lives on the streets.


Anyway, moving on. Since I now have another mouth to feed I figured I needed to step this up a notch. I gathered up some ingredients and set out on the ultimate burrito build (yes I am pitching this to Fox and The Food Network :pray:). So, I gathered up my SPAM from earlier and some of the chicken that I had cooked but that just wasn't enough. Luckily I had plenty of leftovers in the freezer. I understand that the concept of leftovers is foreign to many of you but there are only two of us here and we can only eat so much so the rest goes into vacusuck bags and into the freezer. I grabbed some pork and brisket as they seemed to be a fitting addition. Clockwise from the top we have the SPAM (told you it was just like bacon), Chicken, Pork, and Brisket.


And here is the rest of the ingredients. I have some rice, cheese, black beans, sauteed peppers, and the tortilla with a spread of sour cream. Oh yes, the tortilla. As stated before I spent some time searching out a large tortilla. By searching out, in lazy man's terms, I asked friends if they knew where I could find some. Most recommended places that required driving and effort. Then it hit me last night as we got a ride home from the local watering hole. Taco Bell!!!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2: We placed an order of their fantastic, fresh, nutritional fare and at the window I explained my need and the guy was more than gracious to provide me with 3 of their largest tortillas. I didn't actually measure them but they have to be close to 16" if not bigger.


And thus the build begins. I will try go do this quickly as this post is growing long as it is.





But what about the other burrito you may ask? And what about the bacon, er SPAM? And the peppers? Well, here you go:




Surely you can't be serious the onlookers say. Well I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.

So now, off to the grill one more time. Amazingly it got dark fairly quickly but the coals were still going strong.




And now for final dressing. Of course the eggs were going on top along with a mix of salsas that may or may not be from Taco Bell :becky: :tsk:



Gratuitous runny egg shot:


And thus, I present to you the Grilled Stuffed SPAM, Egg, Brisket, Pulled Pork, Smoked Chicken Burrito.



Yeah, it was delicious. I really didn't get a size reference in there but you should be able to tell from the eggs on top. The girlfriend and I could only eat the piece cut of on the right but this will be saved for several meals to come.
Here is my entry... it is smoked Chinese Century Eggs ( 熏制皮蛋; pinyin: pí dàn). I bought some Chinese Century Eggs and stove-top smoked them with tea, brown sugar and Jasmine rice to give them a nice smokey fragrance. VERY intense flavour profile, and a little goes a long way (they go brilliantly with congee or plain rice.... or if you are game like me, on their own!):

Colonel...Wow!:shock: Just WOW!:clap: That is incredible! Had I known you were looking for large Tortillas, I would have recommended going to Pancho's on 87th near I-35, their tortillas are big....but actually...looking at that crazy huge Taco Bell one they may be similar in size!:shock:

I don't know how Gore's raccoon wound up in your garage, but I bet it was really hungry after that long trip. I hope it got the other half!:becky:
Dayum infernooo!:shock: The thought of a century egg crossed my mind for a bit, but I realized I didn't have enough time to make one. I never thought about going out and buying one!:laugh:

Looks great!:hungry: