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Well, dagnabit! I wasn't totally prepared. I woke up on Monday morning and thought I missed the weekend fun.
Never the less, I didn't let that deter me. I'm constructing a monstrosity in the back yard for the kids to play on. So while there's still light, I decided to let the Kingsford Hickory and pork (and turkey) fat scent the air. So without further words, here's how yesterday went.
On the menu: Turkey Burgers on whole Wheat Buns with Mixed greens, and Colby Jack stuffed Turkey Sausage wrapped in good old fashioned apple-wood bacon.
Here, the prep

The promise

The progress


And the presentation.

Now, while I only hope to make a fair showing, being this is my first throwdown, I had fun. Next time I'll perfect the details as I learn from y'all...
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Oh my goodness Palehorse, that looks awesome.

Voting is going to be tough this time around I think.
Beginners Luck. Truth be told, I originally fired up the gasser...thermo meter pegged itself at 250...and I thought to myself, "that just ain't right"...

So I fiddled around with it and the burners to no luck, and said...I gotta get charcoal for this. An hour later...

I had dinner. Turns out the thermometer is bad on the gasser. (good to know this now). A stand alone grill model showed it eventtually at over 500 inside.

Thank goodness for Weber.
At first, I had concerns about the palehorse's burgers being too healthy for this crowd, but serving something wrapped in bacon on the side balances out the low-fat, high-fiber nature of his burgers. :thumb:

Mad Wife Burger Entry

Sunday, I slave over a hot grill and deliver these:


And these:


Had Burgers, fries and brats with all the trimmings but I did not get a plated shot. No prob, I'll do it tomorrow night. Well it was getting late and she was getting upset because I was on the PC with the Brethren. She said I fixed you a plate and I'm going to bed.

This is what I found. No lettuce or red onions cut, no cheese out, no fixin's at all!

So for your viewing pleasure I submit The Mad Wife Burger:


PS, New camera on the way. :thumb:
At first, I had concerns about the palehorse's burgers being too healthy for this crowd, but serving something wrapped in bacon on the side balances out the low-fat, high-fiber nature of his burgers. :thumb:


Bacon, and beer...that's how I fight the family who's trying to keep me slim.