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Drinking age? You bastard!!!

Actually, no, but I will just be getting my drivers license so I can drive up all on my own instead of with my mommy...

farker... :grin:
BigAl said:
I'm interested in moving in with Phil, great Q food and Lawer to me get out of troubel, what a deal :!: :D :D :D :D :D :D

I also know how to build a roof area over the pits, I drink cheap booze, can clean house, can sleep in a chair at a desk, and sorta weld. And do have my own drivers permit ,at least for now! :D
Incorporate the brethren? Non-profit status - 501(c)(3)? I can do that. I just incorporated a hockey team of little girls from around my neighborhood. Next week, I'll be preparing their IRS crap. Not my idea of fun, but I'm doing it for free for some of my hockey freak neighbors.
Excellent! Just firmed up that I should be at the Sept. Bash. The OL found out she has a seminar Sept 17 - 22 and she didn't want to go alone. She wanted me to go as she doesn't like to travel alone but I didn't want to sittin pickin' my butt for 5 days. They just released the seminar's in CHICAGO babbbyyyy!!! So I can travel up with her, then head over to Bash for the weekend!

I just can't put it together to get to the first one..but in
September, unless the wheels completely come off, I plan to
be there if at all possible.

nthole said:
Excellent! Just firmed up that I should be at the Sept. Bash. The OL found out she has a seminar Sept 17 - 22 and she didn't want to go alone. She wanted me to go as she doesn't like to travel alone but I didn't want to sittin pickin' my butt for 5 days. They just released the seminar's in CHICAGO babbbyyyy!!! So I can travel up with her, then head over to Bash for the weekend!


Neil, you Hockey Puck.
You ain’t getting away that easy. About 10 days after I bought my ticket for Bash III A La NY. an airline by the name of Independent (or something like that) announced “cheap fares” from Columbia S.C. So I figure if I start saving my pocket change now, I might be able to make Bash IV at Parrotheads. It’s still a maybe.
Right now I have to figure out how to pay for the Cabo, and how to stay out of the slammer for farking with a minor (even if he does have his driving permit).
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
You better get your ass to Chicago!!! It wouldn't be the same without you!

You get the airline ticket...I'll get the Cabo!