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Bandera Accessories ?


is one Smokin' Farker
Aug 26, 2004
HI I am new to the group. I have had a Bandera for a year now and it is great. One thing is that I am having a heck of a time finding accessories for it. NB website does not give you info on how to buy the stuff. I am looking for a cover for it. Any ideas or places to look would be appreciated.

The 50$ NB cover is cheap vinyl that will be cracked after the first few months. Don't bother with it. Get either a standard cover for a large grill and retrofit it, or use a tarp and some Bungees. Last s longer for half the price.
Thats easy. The NB acessories basically suck; especially the NB cover and thermometer. The exception is extra shelves. I'm sure others will fill in the details shortly.
Solidkick said:
I bought a large tarp and some nylon rope. covers it nicely!

ditto with the large gas grill cover.

$12 at menard, on to winter #3 and still strong
Mark said:
Thats easy. The NB acessories basically suck; especially the NB cover and thermometer. The exception is extra shelves. I'm sure others will fill in the details shortly.

Marks got my vote hands down.

I ordered 6 extra grates, and havent regretted a one.

Info in the For Sale forum
Hay, I kind of like my Bandera cover and thermometer. The cover has lasted for ten years now and the Thermometer is fine for general oven temp checking to help manage the fire. I use a wireless remote thing that sticks into the meat for food temps. I learned to BBQ without a thermometer so it is not a real necessity to me. Heck, I don't even need a Bandera to smoke food. We had some great smoked brats and such while camping. I used the metal campsite grill and a pizza box and it really worked great. You cut the top off of the box and turn it upside down over the food and it catches the smoke. If the cardboard starts to burn then the fire is to hot. The brats were great. As good as any that I have cooked in my Webber or the Bandera. I usually fix brats in the Bandera with other things and only smoke them for a short time and finish them off on the grill. One time I tried to smoke them all the way and they turned into strange turd looking chewy things. People said that I fixed buffalo turds and dog turds. They tasted all right but were a little chewy.
Heck, I don't even need a Bandera to smoke food. We had some great smoked brats and such while camping. I used the metal campsite grill and a pizza box and it really worked great.

Pizza box-camping? Talk about, "be prepared", you must of been an Eagle scout.
Neil said:
Heck, I don't even need a Bandera to smoke food. We had some great smoked brats and such while camping. I used the metal campsite grill and a pizza box and it really worked great.

Pizza box-camping? Talk about, "be prepared", you must of been an Eagle scout.

Neil McGuyver Mod


Wayne McGuyver Mod
Neil said:
Heck, I don't even need a Bandera to smoke food. We had some great smoked brats and such while camping. I used the metal campsite grill and a pizza box and it really worked great.

Pizza box-camping? Talk about, "be prepared", you must of been an Eagle scout.

When we went through Wawa, Ontario we had to stop ant the local pizza shop because they make a great Greek Pizza. However if you plan ahead you can take an old pizza box (clean of course) with you when you start out.
I bought a large tarp and some nylon rope. covers it nicely!

You farkers must have been hiding in my closet or under my bed. I bought a 10x12 tarp and some nylon cord tp function as my cover. It is a gawdy blue, but who in the sam blazes cares!

I use two thermometers when I cook. The polder (cheap 20 dollar jobbie) I use to moniter the temp of whatever meat I am cooking. If you order one get an extra probe so you can monitor two pieces of meat at the same time. As wayne stated I also use a remote thermo to measure the temp of the cooking chamber. I also use two therm probes on the remote unit. I dangle each probe near the shelve(s) I am cooking on so I can clearly see the range of temps throughout my entire cooking chamber.

The remote units are great! Just take the receiver in the house with you, place it in a window with clear visibility of the cooker and transmitter, set your threshold of temps. (mine range from 218-240) and wait for the alarm to go off! Either stoke the fire, add to it, play with your baffles, or open up the door to let heat out.