Baked Then Fried Wangs


is Blowin Smoke!
Aug 27, 2006
Dalton, Ga
The smoke on these wings did come through the frying just about the same as if I had finished em in the Tailgater. This is about my favorite meal with chicken.


Fried Wangs? :eek: I almost didn't look, but I knew I would miss something wonderful if I didn't. I was right, those look fantastic.
My plan for the Bash tis next weekend. Smo-Fried. Did a turkey this last Christmas. Was the first gone.
Looks good

tell us more on the fry part ...

Nothing much to tell. I used some slabs rub on em before going on the smoker and cooked em till they were done but not as much as I would have if I were not frying afterwards (skin would have been a bit rubbery). Let em cool and dropped in em the wifes new deep fryer till they looked crisp enough, plated and poured heated Jim Beam Hot Wing Sauce over it.

But if anyone reads this that can help me figure out about the slaw I'd appreciate it. I been a fan of Hot Slaw (hot as in pepper, not heated up) since the late sixties when we would get dogs with hot slaw after every nine holes we played at a little muni in Cleveland, Tn called Waterville. It was yeller as all get out and as I remember quite spicy / hot, but that's being so long ago when I was a teenager and not having found hot stuff as a staple in my diet yet I could be exagerating that part. Anyway hot slaw is being served at several Q joints locally and I can't believe they can get it hotter than I have been able to. We have tried several different sources of heat and have been most successful with hot pickled bannana peppers and I think I put as much of em as possible in the slaw this time around and it still was not hot enough for me. What all can you put in hot slaw to make it hot? What else makes it hot and keeps it yeller like they do? Do you just keep adding bannana peppers, if so it's going to take at least 2/3 slaw to 1/3 peppers to get it that hot. HELP!
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