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Made that recipe your own! Very nice! Does the salty bacon meld well with the sweet of the bread? In my travels I've noticed that sometimes that works and sometimes that doesn't, but it looks great on yours! Bacon DOES make everything better.
We enjoy monkey bread every time we go camping, this is a wonderful twist on it. Thanks for sharing... the recipe twist as well as the link. :)
Those things are out of control! Like Guy Fieri would say "Those things are on the corner of Soft and Delicious right in the middle of Tasty Town!"

I cought chit at my wifes Holiday party on Friday about everything I do that's bacon wrapped...think I'll make up a batch of these for her to take in this'll blow them away for sure.
This is going to be my Xmas dinner dessert. Thanks for the pointer to the Pioneer Woman Cooks website. She has a ton of dangerous recipes there.
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Oh man these are good fark the diabetes! I'm going for a walk so I can have another one! AHHH I MAY BE ADDICTED!
I made a batch of these last night and the three recipients all loved them. That recipe is definitely a keeper!