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Grand Poobah and Site Admin
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Aug 11, 2003
Long Island, NY
Name or Nickame
Illiniois Bills at noon,
Florida David at 3.
S.C Harry @ 4:50 and
Tx Brian at 5:12. .
Cali Larry 8PM Fri(anyone heard from larry?).
St Lou Neil, noon Saturday,

MD Tommy Kendall
Mass Gary, mid afternnon Friday).
Pa Ray Saturday night

Mr weekend, Jon Brenner, Josh, Me

Am I missing anyone??

Is Mr Weekend Gary or Heiman.
must be Heiman because gary is gary
willkat98 said:
St Louis Neil at noon?

You mean I'm gonna have to wait till late Saturday for him to get the EBO up to temp and cook a turd on it?

My options were late Friday or Early Saturday. Amazingly I had to leave at nearly the same time Friday in the AM as I would have Saturday in the AM to make it there late Friday versus noon on Saturday. I won't miss not sleeping on the deck one night!

Besides, now I have to go to Evansville IN on Thursday and drive back Friday night to catch a 5 am flight on Saturday.

Just have the EBO out and ready, daddy's coming ...
Evansville Ind ? Stop in Grayville Illnois and piss on the prison ground that Bill's governor put the nix on. Enjoy all the stop lights in Evansville.
Also if you go to Evansville try to stop at Dewigs in Ft. Branch. They have some of the best pork that can be bought. Knock your dick in the dirt good stuff.
I'm not really planning on stopping anywhere on the way to Evansville. I'm driving there yelling happy birthday out the window of the car at my mother in law as I shove my wife out onto the street and heading back home!

That's the kinda in-laws visiting trip I like!
Mr weekend is a group memeber. Lives Local. Jon Brenner is also.

I'll be sending notes to them tonight.
Who is coming to the airport ? I will be easily recognized, long tall handsome Texan with a big cigar. Let the debate begin. :roll: