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Grand Poobah and Site Admin
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Aug 11, 2003
Long Island, NY
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Que for the troops, Levittown PA.

One teammates out with a new knee:wacko:, and the other just got pulled into work as a coworker went into labor :mmph:, So im a team of one and am not thrilled about going solo.. :doh:

anyone available to come down and help/compete? I'll buy! :mrgreen:
I will be there as well. We met at the Staten Island comp. I will stop by to lend you a hand with things. I have a team of 2 so not much better.

Que for the troops, Levittown PA.

One teammates out with a new knee:wacko:, and the other just got pulled into work as a coworker went into labor :mmph:, So im a team of one and am not thrilled about going solo.. :doh:

anyone available to come down and help/compete? I'll buy! :mrgreen:

I can set you up next to my team since I can t compete. They have some extra hands on deck that they can share with you they just need direction.
When do you plan on arriving? Call me if you want and we can discuss this option
Que for the troops, Levittown PA.

One teammates out with a new knee:wacko:, and the other just got pulled into work as a coworker went into labor :mmph:, So im a team of one and am not thrilled about going solo.. :doh:

anyone available to come down and help/compete? I'll buy! :mrgreen:

I'm inexperienced, but I'm willing to help if needed. I'm here in Babylon, NY. and would be willing to make the trip. However, I need more details.
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I'd be there in a heartbeat---if I could. :oops:

Sure it will work out for you.

Good Luck.

I am a one man band until my wife/teammate shows up Saturday morning so maybe we can help each other until we can rustle up a posse for you.
yay us! We made it thru the event..

first, thanks to EGGzlot and smokin pete for comin to my rescue.. and adding to a great weekend and lots of laughs in spite of all my screwups, which of course was ALL their fault!. :)

Fast eddy breaks down a few times.. fan stops, no one notices until the food freezes.. :cool:

I forgot the lid to the WSM which makes for very challenging temperature control. Then, trying to squlch the runaway 325 degree smokey mountain, i dump boiling water down my sneakers(yes with foot in it). :redface:

In spite of a bunch of minor setbacks, we never lost our sense of humor and laughed thru most of it.. for first time team mates, turnins were surprisingly calm and coordinated and except for a dry 215 degree brisket, I was pretty happy with the results in each category.. too bad judges disagreed, handing me my worse finish in 10 years of competing.. Wouldnt sting so much if I expected it, but the food was pretty good.... oh well.. its all where your cards fall. :shrug:

thanks again to smoking pete and eggzlot for a great weekend and great help..... you guys are welcome any time....

and its ALL your fault!!
It was a pleasure to assist you with screwing up the cook.

Next time you need a bottom of the field finish you know who to call.
Don't feel bad phil, we are still dabbing after our results, great to have you as a neighbor!

its the worst when everything is good and your smacked, ohh well next time..